Sentences with phrase «back extensors»

This movement will actually strengthen your whole posterior chain by making the gluteus muscles, hamstrings and adductor magnus work together synergistically to extend the hips, while the lower back extensors take the role of stabilisers.
Rajakapotasana requires freedom at the front of the groin, mobility in your upper spine and chest, and strength in your arms, shoulders, and back extensor muscles, especially in the lower rib and kidney areas.
The differences in the two rehab regimens would be the emphasis on pelvic floor isolation exercises in a pelvic floor rehab program and the emphasis on isolating our low back extensors in a low back rehab program.
«All the standing poses — like Triangle, Warrior II, Warrior III, Half Moon pose — are great for someone who wants to improve their balance, leg strength, and back extensor strength,» Betz says.
Even in these cases your abs are so pre-contracted (active insufficiency) and low back extensors so overstretched (passive insufficiency) that it's tough to use your quads with any abdominal or low back support.
Reyna and colleagues (1995) and Ciriello and Snook (1995) both showed that belts provided no reduction in fatigue or loading of the lower back extensors with belt use.
Twisting Low Lunge Benefits: Creates space in thoracic spine; stretches back extensors, ilia - psoas, thighs Starting on hands and knees, step one foot between hands.
Try the following connect cues to produce a deep contraction of multifidus isolated from the long back extensors.
All of your core muscles are used during the Reverse crunch exercise including: rectus abdominus, transverse abdominals, lower back extensors, and even a slight use of the obliques abdominals groups.
The overuse of baby walker gradually destroys their back extensors muscles.
Recent anatomical research points out what track and field coaches have known for years: hamstrings are connected as a chain to the glutes and back extensors (i.e. erector spinae).
The beneficial muscles that will be activated include your glutes, your back extensors, your hamstrings and of course your calf muscles.
The bra is like a crutch as it holds up the breast without having to exercise the back extensors to keep them higher.
Find the move through your extension and powerhouse - glutes work, inner thighs work, back extensors, and abs.
Now I want to hold myself down with the hip flexors, take the back extensors to really balance and find that position, and now up.
High (Crescent) Lunge Benefits: Great for strengthening and warming up the core, back extensors, legs Step one foot forward and bend front leg to a right angle, aligning knee over ankle.
In this flat back position, your back extensors and multifidi are stretched beyond an effective length, allowing your spine to round out up through your mid back and down to your tail bone.
All of your core muscles are used during the Captain's Chair Leg Raises exercise including: rectus abdominus, transverse abdominals, lower back extensors, and even a little bit of the obliques abdominals groups.
The back extension machine can help rehabilitate and strengthen the back extensors but can cause problems if faulty technique is used.
All of your core muscles are used during the vertical leg crunch exercise including: rectus abdominus, transverse abdominals, lower back extensors, and even a slight use of the obliques abdominals groups.
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