Sentences with phrase «back huge amounts of data»

What began with climate studies of Venus continued for planets like Mars as new space missions sent back huge amounts of data about Earth's other planetary cousin.
And will mean scientists can do research for more of the year, can reach areas they've never been able to penetrate before, and will be able to bring back huge amounts of data on the ocean and marine biology,» Osborne said during a speech in Cambridge, according to a ScienceInsider post by Daniel Clery.

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So technology has advanced to the point where it's now possible not only to analyze the huge amounts of data that are being generated in new ways, but to also go back and look at the large of amount of data that has been generated in the past and look at it through a different lens.
We do not have thermometer data that goes back far enough, but we have huge amounts of ice core and other proxy data.
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