Sentences with phrase «back in your cubicle»

Those 10 years were laced with so many failures: quitting many times over, re-writing the edits of my re-write, working back in a cubicle, working back at the dream, trying to live in a retirement home to film a documentary, relationship debacles, a fire that almost burnt down my house and every other twist and turn of «God, where are you in this?»

Not exact matches

It's a dramatic U-turn in the quest for the perfect work environment — a migration back to the cubicle from the often - idealized home office, but a cubicle reimagined for a time when the line between domestic and professional life has never been more blurred.
We also have a ton of Boob Group episodes about going back to work and so since you mentioned that you are in a cubicle, we have a bunch of fun ideas on how to make a cubicle work for you if you have to pump there.
Back in El Segundo, as Musk and I chat, my gaze drifts to the only decoration in his spartan cubicle (typical of an egalitarian dot - com manager, his office is as accessible — and not much larger — than anyone else's).
Whether your performance is on a literal stage (I just saw my high school's musical and it brought back SUCH good memories of my own theatre days), in a cubicle, or all around the world, sometimes you've just got ta put on your big girl boss pants and come to terms with your own capabilities.
Somewhere in a cubicle at the American Booksellers Association, or in the back office of a courageous indie bookstore, I like to imagine someone secretly preparing a «Nixon Goes to China» book - world shocker.
I spoke to what was supposed to be a supervisor (though it was probably the regular rep who sits in the next cubicle... or the janitor...) and was told they would have the financial department look into it and get back with me.
But it wasn't until many years later, when I suddenly became tired of working in the confines of a cubicle and a computer screen, and our then six - year - old «Labradork» Corbin got sick with cancer for the second time, that I went back to photography — the kind I loved when I was a kid, my original subjects and passion: dogs.
My dad builds outdoor houses for the stray cats we take in and he introduces a feature that I didn't see in these designs, which is some sort of escape route through the back of the house, which is useful if the cats get attacked by dogs while in their cubicles — not sure how relevant this would be in NYC, but perhaps an idea for next year's submissions.
Sadly, I have to leave today, but I am comforted by the fact that I will be back in October and can once again torture all my friends and family with daily photos of my «cubicle view».
Leave a tourist, come back a traveler) The Travel Pixie (The best in travel tips, trips & tales from all over the globe) The Traveller World Guide (A humorous guide to partying and touring around the world) The Traveling Dutchman (Jasper ditched his cubicle job to pursue a life of adventure as an online entrepreneur) The Traveling Fool (One foolish trip at a time) The Travelling Squid (Travelling awakens the dreamers, thinkers and believers in us) The Traveling Tortuga (The ultimate source for travel content to help inspire your next escape!)
The picture in question shows a BioWare party in which a cubicle wall in the back appears to have the words «Anthem VR» on the side.
With over a decade of experience as a copywriter & blogger, «Scratchpad Brad» is back in the writing game after a few too many years in a cubicle slaving away on a team of overnight search zombies, for real!
I've felt the high of 80 people in uproarious laughter, and also seen my material crash and burn to stonewall silence — in comedians» parlance, I «died on my arse» — but guess what, Glenn, you're straight back onstage to do another five minutes after the break... that's when I'd really feel the fear, quaking in a toilet cubicle, wishing there was someone else to do it for me...
It died a squalid death in 1998 when the firm abandoned the building and the idea and moved back into cubicles.
But back on the factory floor, or in office cubicles, your entire business is gradually being distorted.
Along the way you'll find a lot of reasons to pack it all in and go back to a suit - and - cubicle world.
This cubicle name badge, set in Avant Garde, belonged to Espinosa back in 1980.
A Few Career Blogs Worth Your Time Bailey Work Play Career Hub CareerDiva Dan Erwin Blog Escape from Cubicle Nation Pongo Resume Susan Strayer The M.A.P.. By nightfall, as the cold sets in and you realize you're lost, you know it's time to turn back.
There has been some push back recently to getting rid of personal offices and cubicles, as certain research has shown that creativity and innovation are often best fostered in quiet contemplative work spaces.
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