Sentences with phrase «back of a police car»

(Deadspin, Arrested Drunk Man Sings «Bohemian Rhapsody» In Its Entirety In Back Of Police Car)
Police placed the teen in handcuffs and sat him in the back of the police car as cops interviewed his mom.
'» He discussed how officers protect a suspect's head while they are handcuffed, and being placed into the back of a police car: «The way you put your hand — like, don't hit their head, and they've just killed somebody?
You can't do it being driven round the site at 6 am in the back of a police car - as Tessa Jowell and Harriet Harman were in 2007.
At the same time Emma is stuck in the back of a police car for this entire time.
Childless, husband-less, needy and passive - aggressive, Emma is also a shoplifter, and ends up in the back of a police car driven by a closeted cop (Mackie, saddled with a semi-insulting character).
Anais Hendricks, fifteen, is in the back of a police car.
The National Portrait Gallery dates the end of the high - water mark of Pop Art to Richard Hamilton's 1968 portrait of Mick Jagger and art dealer Robert Fraser handcuffed together in the back of a police car on drugs charges.
It's hard enough in the lab... and now you're going to have people with no medical training doing this in the back of a police car in the dark with somebody who is arguably impaired.»
«How many times are you going to prick a person in the back of a police car with a needle to try and get their blood before you actually find the vein?
These non-criminal Canadian Citizens are treated like criminals and put in handcuffs, locked in the back of a police cars and dragged to a hospital without access to lawyers or Charter rights explained to every criminal.
The paper concludes that courts should not recognize the right of detained and arrested persons to contact counsel from the back of a police car.
That can be at a police station, or in the back of a police car on the roadside.
Mr. Maynard was later put, at gunpoint, in the back of a police car.
Patterson got into the back of the police car with her, and when she asked him to loosen the handcuffs he tugged them deliberately causing her further pain.
It's not the depressing ride in the back of the police car, or the miserable hours spent in a jail holding cell.
At the age of 14, Nikolas Cruz ended up handcuffed in the back of a police car after calling his mother a «useless bitch» and throwing things at her for taking away his xBox.
Swinson recalls that the ride to the hospital in the back of the police car seemed never - ending.
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