Sentences with phrase «back on an upward trend»

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The basic problem is that during each recession, governments increase their debt load to stimulate the economy and maintain (or even increase) services, but rarely cut back on their debt loads or services during the prosperous times — creating a long - term upward trend in indebtedness that Tony Boeckh of The Boeckh Investment Letter calls the «debt supercycle.»
Our model indicates that going forward, long - term yields will likely be subject to three upward pressures: (1) Our forecasted increase in inflation will boost nominal GDP growth; (2) As forward guidance is replaced by a data - dependent monetary tightening, volatility in short rates will increase; and (3) As the impact of QE on the Treasury market fades, long - term yields will trend back to their historical link with nominal GDP growth.
YES — CO2 HAS BEEN ON AN UPWARD CLIMB, to levels above those seen for the last few ice ages (with the proviso that ice cores records have poorer resolution the further back in time one goes; there may have been short - lived CO2 spikes that we can not see); is all of that human - driven, or is there a natural warming trend driving the release of biotic CO2?
Unless the anomaly stops showing a seeming switch back to lower monthly and annual numbers and resumes its march towards +.1 Will the trend accelerate on its apparent continually upward rise in the future?
As the noisy upward trend in sea level has remained pretty linear for several generations, including the one since Jim declared a climate crisis back when his grandparents are alive, I expect to see the sequel to Storms Of My Great - Grandchildren on the remainder tables long before we see 10 cm of SLR Iterating conjecture is an underwhelming communication strategy in the long run.
Indeed, the currency is already on an upward trend again, jumping back to a $ 15,000 valuation at the time of writing.
Key takeaways: 1) The U.S. continues as an attractive investment destination for commercial real estate investors; 2) Commercial fundamentals remain on an upward trend, boosted by solid employment gains; 3) While investors have taken a step back over the past year, leading to declining sales volume in large cap markets, small cap markets benefited from increased visibility and capital inflow, as growing local economies and higher investment yields provide diversification to investors.
Check back with us soon to see if national real estate activity continues on this upward trend or takes a dip.
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