Sentences with phrase «back pages of your ebook»

But consider moving these to the back pages of your ebook edition.

Not exact matches

I've put together a comprehensive 146 page, proven life - changing eBook that can turn back the hands on the clock and reverse your painful symptoms of SIBO in a matter of a few months instead of years.
This 300 + page ebook, backed by over 50 pages of references from widely - distributed scientific journals, is nothing less than a full - blown MANUAL for total body recomposition.
When we look at the colophon and copyright pages of these eBooks, they often refer back to a print edition rather than their digital manifestation.
I'm also the type of person who pages back on ebooks so I start «properly» at the cover and not at the content page where Kindle usually opens files.
I typed up a list of my published books with hyperlinks leading back to each book's page on my site, giving readers their choice of retailer and format for my books... audio, print, ebook, kindle, epub, etc..
4 GB (2,000 eBooks), lighter than previous models, sharper text, new fonts, same 8 week battery life, power button moved to side instead of back, removed page change buttons from bezel.
I'm even one of those who pages back to the cover on ebooks so I can start it properly.
And no ebook reader I've seen or read about can match a Real Book for the convenience of going back a couple of pages, putting my finger in as a marker while I check something, and that sort of thing.
As students shared the draft of their ebook with the teacher, the teacher reviewed it on her iPad in the Book Creator app, added a page for audio feedback in which she spoke her feedback to students, shared it back with students using the same AirDrop / Google Drive method the student selected, and then allowed them to continue working.
It's hard to hold your finger on an earlier page on an ebook, it's hard to flip back and forth, and — with the notable exception of iBooks — it's hard to know how many pages are left in the current chapter.
I also ask that you include up to five full - page ads for other Splashdown titles in the back of your print edition, and simpler blurbs with links in your ebook.
This glossary of 175 + ebook publishing terms will be included at the back of the Guide and also provided as a separate 38 - page PDF ebook, so it is easy to open it on your computer and refer to it alongside the main guide.
To correct this, BB eBooks made another one of her Kindle books, with identical back matter, have no page breaks between the end of the book and the entire back matter.
• Enhanced in - store seamless connectivity to enjoy free Wi - Fi, with More In Store content promotions exclusively for Nook owners • Improved opening of eBooks and ePeriodicals • Improved response to Reading Now and Settings buttons • Current reading page and bookmarks on all eBooks are properly saved when you power your Nook off • Eligible LendMe eBooks in your library have LendMe flags • Easier navigation of daily subscriptions with issues rolled into one folder • Improved «back» button functionality for navigating eBooks and ePeriodicals • Personal files downloaded and displayed in My Documents can be sorted by author and title • Overall system improvements and battery optimization.
Therefore, it is advised to keep the content the same for the actual body of the eBook for all editions, but use different back matter (and a different copyright page) for the different vendors.
Many ebook readers solve this with an extra set of page forward / page back buttons on the left.
It's often printed on the back cover of a book or the copyright page and every edition (eBook, paperback, hardcover) need its own ISBN.
Also, there's a list of the different pages you need in the front and back of your eBook, answers to frequently asked questions, and an explanation of everything you need to have prepared before you're ready to publish.
I have been calling and email KDP CS for over a month, and today I got an email back regarding my 11 + pages of data, graphs, KDP dashboard snapshots, and ongoing requests to show me ONE case where an ebook in a giveaway affected my sales rank.
I'm not happy paying $ 8.99 or $ 9.99 or $ 12.99 for a paperback (especially considering that when I first started buying paperbacks, they were 15 cents), and I'm not happy paying nearly thirty bucks for a hardback (somewhere shy of ten bucks back in the day); I'm not happy paying anything for an ebook because at least for me, I've purchased nothing (can't hold it, can't stack it, smell it, riffle its pages, can't throw it against a wall)-- but if I want the work and that's the only format it is available in, I spend the money.
Amazon recommends placing the TOC at the front of the eBook, even if other front matter is moved to the back because placing it in the back of the file can cause issues with the «Last Page Read» functionality.
Related Posts: Back Matter — Buy Links: Best Practices for Authors, Front Matter — Copyright Page: Best Practices for Authors, Using Different Types of Paragraph Layouts in Your eBooks
Request to clarify a certain statement in your Income For Life eBook On page 34 of the book, the second paragraph mentiones:»... Plus at the time of sale to my tenant, I get my down payment of $ 11,650 back...» I DO understand...
Once payment is complete you will be redirect back to our download page to choose the eBook file type of your choice.
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