Sentences with phrase «back radiation loss»

where: Q is the change of energy expressed in Joules, Q (s) is incoming shortwave, Q (b) is the «net» back radiation loss, Q (e) is the net loss from evaporation, and Q (h) is the heat loss by conduction and convection

Not exact matches

When greenhouse gases increase, more longwave radiation is directed back at the ocean surface, which warms the cool - skin layer, lowers the thermal gradient, and consequently reduces the rate of heat loss.
An energy surplus there gives rise to warming which causes a rise in infra - red radiation leading to more energy loss at the top of the atmosphere and hence a trend back into energy balance (negative feedback).
This incoming shortwave heating is balanced by ocean heat loss through back radiation (41 %), evaporative heat loss (53 %), and heat loss by conduction and convection (6 %).
This is reflected in radiation trends of 5 W / m2 IR radiation back to space and 2 W / m2 less reflection of sunlight for the period 1985 - 2000, which results in 3 W / m2 net loss to space.
Re # 36: «This incoming shortwave is balanced by * net * ocean heat loss through back radiation (41 %)» The key word * net * should have been used.
For example, increased well - mixed CO2 and water vapor decrease the rate of heat loss through back radiation.
Much of the radiation from the atmospheric gases, also in the infrared range, is transmitted back to the ocean, reducing the net long wave radiation heat loss of the ocean.
This will reflect radiation back into the coffee, thereby further reducing the net radiated heat loss.
These temperatures in the base of the troposphere slow down and even stop the surface cooling in the early pre-dawn hours, regardless of radiation losses which are balanced by «heat creep» diffusion and conduction back into the surface.
Back radiation reduces IR losses from the oceans and — if solar warming is unchanged — oceans warm until a new — conditional — equilibrium is reached.
Of course, the vacuum stops conductive / convective losses; drastic cooling of the walls virtually eliminates the «back radiation» that would occur at earth ambient temperatures.
An aside: one of the reasons that clouds modulate temperature so effectively is not just the albedo increase which bounces downwelling short wave radiation back into space, but because they radiate IR back to the surface thus reducing the net rate of thermal radiative loss
An aside: one of the reasons that clouds modulate temperature so effectively is not just the albedo increase which bounces dowelling short wave radiation back into space, but because they radiate IR back to the surface thus reducing the net rate of thermal radiative loss.
Verticle wind shear correlates well with temperature so as temperature increases you can expect more thermal losses across the tropopause which will reduce the increase in radiation reflected back to the surface which should reduce the expected surface temperature increase.
To say this back radiation might be real but a warmer surface can not absorb photons emitted by a colder surface is also wrong as the reality is that if you measure the rate of energy loss between two surfaces of different temperatures the rate decreases as the temperature difference decreases and increases as the temperature difference increases.
Where there is no solar radiation, thesurface energy balance shows that the back radiation is less than the heat loss due to emission, evaporation and convection.Hence the surface temperature and evaporation rate are lower.
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