Sentences with phrase «backdating means»

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The indicment filed in state court today says that after Hunlety learned she was the target of an investigation, she wrote a «template» for a fake, backdated letter that was meant to fool investigations into believing that events by the organization had taken place.
Certain types of professional liability policies are issued to cover claims made during the policy period rather than things that occurred during the policy period, but that doesn't mean you can backdate renters insurance.
You may even be able to claim backdated housing benefit and it may be possible to seek a postponed possession order, which means you will not have to leave your home providing you pay a specified amount as ordered by the court.
Backdating simply means choosing a date that has passed in order to secure a lower rate.
This means your premiums will backdate to a previous date (you'll need to pay the lump - sum for the back - dated period) but you will be paying future premiums at a lower price.
Certain types of professional liability policies are issued to cover claims made during the policy period rather than things that occurred during the policy period, but that doesn't mean you can backdate renters insurance.
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