Sentences with phrase «backed by a religious person»

Atheists say that any argument backed by a religious person is flawed, because.they hate religion irrationally.

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Again, the Christian religious practice of going back to the Old Testament to relive the archaic events Yahweh performed on his people, a practice which was commanded by both Yahweh and Christ, is really a call for the people of God to move forward and continue the march toward the Promised Land.
So, I sincerely and respectfully ask of individuals who back anti-choice campaigns by citing personal moral or religious reasons this question, which I ask out honest curiosity: how can you recognize the consequences, historically, of legally banning a certain choice a person makes, and maintain that your moral code has not been violated, or even argue that your moral or religious code has been upheld, or elevated?
More pastors have more people locked up by feeding them a steady diet of do's and don'ts blended with just enough of the gospel and religious speak, and willy - nilly bible passages that are turned into principles (laws), that the poison goes down smoothly and they keep comin» back for more.
Science by all means can comment and deny it because there's no proof but religion (and by extension, religious people) take this as an assault on them and their beliefs and so fight back.
This conviction is grounded both in our religious faith and in our understanding of the processes by which persons grow, become distorted, and find their way back to wholeness.
The case, backed by Humanists UK and its section Northern Ireland Humanists, seeks to change the current unjust situation where religious people are able to have legally recognised marriage ceremonies in line with their beliefs, but humanists are not.
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