Sentences with phrase «background artist»

The environment designers on the video game team are sometimes called background artists.
Having in common a graffiti background the artists have all been able to elevate and evolve their work to a new point of reference in this show.
Stéphane Boutin — Illustrator — He was the sole background artist on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game and thus produced an immense quantity of work while reaching an extraordinary level of quality.
A previous Arc System Works Artist, Capcom Background Artist, Kill la Kill Animation Director, AMD System Engineer and more have come together to launch a Kickstarter for their debut game, Judgement of Rage.
she must be easy going, simple compromising, good to have some one from cultural background artist, actor, designer.
For those offended by the black sidebars left by the narrower aspect ratio of yore, Disney has yet again offered a DisneyView option, which puts all the pixels of your 16:9 television to use by displaying compatible edge art by longtime Disney background artist and more recently Disney Fine Art artist James Coleman.
The licensed 2005 featurette «Defining a Style» (12:34) lets animators and background artists reflect on their work on the film, their memories of production, and the film's significance decades later.
Working alongside background artist, Chris Seavor, he was responsible for modeling and animating the characters of KI.
They have a team of Gonzalo Ordonez, Pritesh Rane, and «Ektanadu» for a combination of hand drawn, pixel, and background artists respectively.
Professional Summary Background Artist knowledgeable about cinematic procedures, as well as experi...
A previous Arc System Works Artist, Capcom Background Artist, Kill la Kill Animation Director, AMD System Engineer and more have come together to launch a Kickstarter for their new game, Judgement of Rage.
I work as a Reiki Healing Master and I also work as a extra / background artist...
Instead, I am pursing a career in voice over acting and get by at the time by working on various sets of TV shows and movies as a background artist and I also do PA work from time to time.
Second Quest isn't a video game but I'll make an exception for it since it's inspired by a video game (Zelda) and one of the people involved has worked in the video game industry (the background artist for Braid).
In the late 1980s, he left teaching for the Animation industry, where he enjoyed a successful career as a background artist on numerous films and TV series, eventually producing his own animated feature films.
Also known as a «Background Artist», literally all you do is sit around for about ten hours, wait for «ACTION», do the same thing seven times and then go home.
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