Sentences with phrase «background knowledge provided»

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«Laura's background provides both the experience and the knowledge required to lead the angel network into a new period of expansion and her engaging personality is a perfect fit to facilitate membership growth,» said George Hansen, the Executive Director of MAA and the President and CEO of the Enterprise Center in Johnson County (ECJC).
It provides some great background information from It Starts with Food but also includes recipes, a short meal plan, and the knowledge necessary to create your own meal plans.
In response to the need for knowledge about this subject, we collaborated with Verified Volunteers to provide outstanding background checks and services for NAYS Member Organizations.
With the wealth of knowledge I received at BOND, the confidence and inspiration from my peers, along with my background in Babywearing I was able to create a full early infant attachment, kangaroo care, safe sleep (including Breastsleeping), and Babywearing class and teach it at my local shelter for new and expectant moms, as well as provide carriers with donations from two different companies whose reps I first met at BOND.
My background as a Professor in Business Law and participation in local economic boards, have provided me the knowledge and background I need to effectively develop solutions for this State.
No specific training is required to work with GMOs, and a background in biological sciences provides the necessary technical skills and knowledge to handle GMOs in the laboratory or containment glasshouses.
«The program is meant to provide authentic research experience to students with little to no background knowledge in science,» says David Asai, senior director of science education at HHMI, based in Bethesda, Maryland.
These presentations provided background information and state - of - the - art subject knowledge, as well as the opportunity for participants to ask questions and network with the presenters.
Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel (CJP) is the Global authority for scientific commercialization of Jatropha & other non-food biofuel crops and designs and implements the growing of non-food biofuel crops worldwide in a structured Agri - Supply chain, Value additions and research activities thereon & provides technology and services from «Soil to Oil» for the breeding, development, planting and harvesting of next - generation commercial biofuel crops CJP has been engaged in promoting sustainable farming for biodiesel production since last one decade and its research findings and on - hand field experiences in respect of various technical, agronomical / silvicultural aspects of plantations of Jatropha have resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and technical background related to Productivity, profitability and sustainability of commercial production of Jatropha oil crop.
However, I felt the IFNA program provided me with the some of the missing background knowledge to help me solidify my understanding and application of functional nutrition.
However, I felt the IFNA program provided me with the some of the missing background knowledge to help me solidify my understanding and...
Instead, teachers can provide simplified texts addressing topics or themes similar to the ones in the complex text as a way to build background knowledge.
Preparatory Texts: Providing simpler, preparatory texts in anticipation of a more complex reading task can be very helpful in building background knowledge and reading confidence.
Eastwood imagines that over time these technologies would also know the different students based on their reading levels, numeracy, background knowledge, and other areas, such that it could provide access to the appropriate OER content to support that specific child in continuing her learning.
Thus, guided - reading activities should provide students with the opportunity to reflect on the reading process itself — recording in a log how their background knowledge and experience influenced their understanding of text, identifying where they may have gotten lost during reading and why, and asking any questions they have about the text.
Litt was mesmerized as Hirsch explained how providing children with background knowledge on a wide variety of topics — history, literature, geography, science, art, and music — was key to building successful readers and learners.
Provide background knowledge about the court system and the procedures for a hearing — this can be done with videos, a video call with local officials, or even a trip to the local courthouse.
This means that teachers should make sure that students have — or should provide students with — the background knowledge needed for understanding new content.
Direct Instruction Videos: provide step - by - step guidance to assist students in the conceptual understanding of key skills, impart background knowledge, place concepts into real - world context, and allow students to learn at their own pace.
Jim's legal background, deep knowledge of K - 12 education policy and leadership, and his success — over many years — navigating the politics of school reform, provide a unique and vital perspective on StandardsWork's Board.
Previewing: identifying difficult vocabulary before reading and providing sufficient background knowledge so students will not stumble over the words while reading
My content knowledge about tectonics increased as I used the support materials (Teachers Guide, videos, content background pages) provided on the ELI Tectonics Web site.
She also encouraged states to use this opportunity under Title IV, Part A, to provide a «well - rounded education» for young students, noting that early elementary grades tend to focus on literacy skills such as letter and word identification, while dual language learners — as well as all young children — would benefit from increased attention to building comprehension, vocabulary, and background knowledge.
This book provides insights from 15 years of knowledge that will support teachers, educators and administrators with all of the necessary information in order to deliver high quality teaching to all students, regardless of background and / or learning style (s).
In our experience with the CEL 5D + teacher evaluation rubric, we learned that we need to provide this important instructional anatomy background knowledge before school leaders can learn to use the new evaluation tools.
In this interactive Leadershop, school teams will be provided with background knowledge needed and time to discuss and develop their own school plan to implement ECHOs.
Generally, teachers can use some help with lesson plans for teaching figurative language, and this page should provide teachers with useful background knowledge, figurative expressions for examples, and exercises for practicing figurative language.
STW has created a «Leadership Matters» program that provides middle - grades leaders with the knowledge, background, and skills to increase student achievement.
At the opening of a unit, perhaps only basic definitional information is provided along with attempts to build background knowledge (upper - left box of Figure 1).
It has provided students from diverse backgrounds with knowledge and skills they used to create and sustain the world's strongest economy.
Support Cards embedded throughout the course provide links to background knowledge, make connections between concepts, and provide reminders for students to apply active reading strategies when they will most support comprehension.
The goal of differentiated instruction is to provide every student with an effective learning experience that takes into account that student's unique needs — cultural background, level of knowledge, motivation, language comprehension, etc..
During guided reading, teachers provide students with the structured means to integrate the background knowledge that they bring to the text with the «new» knowledge provided by the text.
Online features such as interactive graphic organizers, rollovers that define and pronounce vocabulary words, and pop - ups that provide background knowledge, among others, also help to make the text more accessible.
Videos designed to introduce students to the topic and provide valuable background information and vocabulary, in an engaging multi-sensory fashion, so that students will have a better knowledge base with which to approach the related reading and writing tasks.
Professional Learning Maps supports you as you provide the key actions, background knowledge, and implementation support that school - based leaders need to engage as lifelong learners.
«As an educator, I provide individualized instruction that is differentiated based on students» current level of understanding and background knowledge, areas for improvement, questions, and interests.»
Texts vary in the degree to which they provide background information or require that readers have the knowledge necessary to «fill in the blanks.»
«But in addition to stories and literature, they will read more texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas including science and social studies.
Teachers can help students activate prior knowledge by preteaching vocabulary, providing background knowledge and creating opportunities to continue building background knowledge.
The standards - aligned lessons, projects, and instructional tools establish the goals of the activity, provide background knowledge, present the learning objectives in a larger context, and introduce key academic vocabulary to prepare students for learning.
While increasing history courses and service requirements are potential steps to augment students» background knowledge and skill sets, civics is a narrow and instrumental instruction that provides students with the agency to apply these skills.
Critical student needs: How technology can support math learning Based on conversations with with a diverse group of educators and edtech decision - makers, we believe that technology is especially well poised to create an impact on middle and high school math by making learning accessible to students of all abilities and cultural backgrounds, providing age - appropriate scaffolding for underdeveloped foundational concepts, enabling rich social interactions with peers and teachers, encouraging growth mindset, metacognition and agency, and creating opportunities to apply knowledge to real - world challenges.
The course of study is a highly individualized program based on students» prior experiential and educational backgrounds, and provides a broad knowledge base for all areas of special education, educational leadership, management, and administration.
The chapter provides information about a teacher's background in professional knowledge, verbal ability, preparation and certification, and experience relative to classroom effectiveness.
We'll need to leverage students» background knowledge, build strategic competence, and provide language supports to these learners.
The Common Core asks students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies.
«We wanted to experiment with providing background information as a user reads a story to help bring context to a complicated topic, and we designed Knowledge Map to work in a way that would not interrupt the reading experience,» Sarah Sampsel, director of digital strategy at The Post, said in a prepared statement.
It's the media relations tool that tells reporters, producers, bloggers and other media gatekeepers that your personal history gives you the perfect credentials for this novel or that your professional background provides the knowledge depth needed for your nonfiction topic.
Students Assignment Help is one stop solution for all your academic questions and answers provided by industry experts from diversified backgrounds so you can gain knowledge and also achieve your success easily.
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