Sentences with word «backwards»

Mormon spelled backwards is NomroM, the ancient name of a wicked king during the time of Erozokiah.
The Republicans bend over backwards to service the banksters and special interests.
What's funny is you got it exactly backwards.
There you go again getting it backwards.
He appeals to people like you because he makes it easier for you to sound educated in your backwards, narrow, misogynistic, pig - headed opinions.
Indeed, the equations of physics can even propagate spatially sideways rather than temporally forwards or backwards.
St. Paul bends over backwards to tell us that our works aren't good enough.
He worries that the animal rights movement is falling backwards because of the «humane meat» campaigns that, in his mind, have made carne respectable to consume for some who were once abstainers.
It is only in trying to read it backwards (i.e. having a presumption — the divinity of jesus) that most christians gain their theology.
Going backwards there was a point in time when the universe had infinite heat and density.
Surely that is looking backwards, stagnating, and not forwards to new boudaries?
The answer to that turns out to be «definitely maybe»: If general relativity can be extended without modification into arbitrarily high energy densities, then yes — we can show that time doesn't extend indefinitely far backwards.
You're the one that has it backwards.
Funny that you accuse me of not understanding definitions when you are bending over backwards to redefine the word Atheist.
I read it over and over, cover to cover, forwards and backwards.
The proprietor of the shop obviously has the right to offer this type of discount, but it's sad that in this backwards, demon - haunted country we're still treating a work of fiction supposedly handed down by an magical, omnipotent being as a framework for a moral life, rather than embracing an objective, secular view of morality.
Colin is obviously a critical thinker who is far to intelligent to be judged by the likes of people who believe in a imaginary god and as $ backwards religious book that promotes hate and bigotry.
* G - D instead of god because; god spelt backwards is dog.
The philosophies and teaching were not new, there were only revelutionary in the backwards area he lived in.
Propelling backwards.
They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.»
Yet this is not the case... in this case we have backwards people (in America — not Israel per se) holding these people out because they are «different» (and that is what it actually boils down to).
Crickets are chirpin'the water is high There's a soft cotton dress on the line hangin» dry Window wide open African trees Bent over backwards from a hurricane breeze Not a word of goodbye not even a note She gone with the man in the long black coat.
@OneFine Blonde — Wow, do you have things backwards.
Instead of making amends and moving forward together they would rather insult eachother and continuously look backwards.
Except that you have that backwards.
For us it was going backwards artistically, so ATO stepped up and said that they wanted to be a part of this.
Even though they were and are completely devoid of what you call «God talk» and certainly displayed no hint of bending over backwards to keep «God» in my religious jargon, you once again seek to malign me by falsely representing me.
Now please take some of those others with you... say 2 million... go back to your backwards countries where you can beat women and children, abuse young girls and blow each other up... you are scourge upon the earth
I absolutely hate that the backwards overly religious people in our country need to quote the bible when common sense should be justification enough.
Trust me, those ultraorthodox ARE as strange and as backwards as they appear to be, and that holds true even for most Israelis or Jews, never mind the non-Jews among you!!
Your comments about «L O V E» just speak volumes about how little we need to value the words of those that bend over backwards to keep «God» in their righteous jargon.
Secondly, the eyes in your head are not logical, since they are wired backwards.
I'm not saying you don't know your KJV backwards and forwards... but do you really have any clue what it is like to be gay your entire life and to love Jesus, too?
This county has gone backwards.
Societyvs said, on February 10th, 2010 at 11:21 am... in this case we have backwards people (in America — not Israel per se)---------- Israel, no kidding!
Disgusting... absolutely disgusting... let us not move forward, but rather try and go backwards... I am all for people having the right to choose and follow their own religion, but anyone who believes that this is an acceptable way to live life surely is not choosing this on their own.
Her whole approach seemed backwards to me.
Support Akin and his idiocy, show us the true meaning of Republicanism, and drag your entire backwards party further into the extremist depths it desperately seeks to plumb.
i wan na know if the mother had respect for her and then if she did it just adds to the insult — if not, then well the victim should have seen this coming... and thats a backwards pun — cos she's a!
Would you care to explain how it is that «primitive sheep herders» as most of you love to derogatorily call them were able to in and of themselves write scripture such that the first two books Genesis & Exodus spell TORAH = LAW for every equidistant letter sequence of the 50th letter... and does the same backwards HAROT for Numbers & Deuteronomy, and the 3rd book that they're pointing towards Leviticus, every 7th letter (7 is God's number for perfection) spells YHWH = The name of God.
In the creation myth of adam and eve, god created stars after he created the sun, thats backwards!
Ironicus, you've got it backwards (as usual for a spiritually dead atheist).
Just so you know, you got that backwards.
Thanks to all the in your face vocalization things have taken a step backwards.
Then I went backwards for several years until the market started stabilizing in 2010, and ultimately recovering.
A hard fork is a backwards incompatible change to the Bitcoin network.
This is largely rooted in our long experience as value investors, which helps us «understand the market backwards,» to paraphrase Kierkegaard.
But as long as 1) inflation remains low, 2) profit margins remain wide (remember the $ 1.5 trillion tax cut package passed in December slashed the corporate rate to 21 per cent from 35 per cent), and 3) GDP is also not expected to go backwards, stocks will probably remain supported.
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