Sentences with phrase «bacteria in the mouth»

The reason for this is because of the fruit's citric acid that helps to break down and fight bacteria in the mouth.
What about the bacteria in their mouths and the waste products it produced, along with possible odors?
Cinnamon is also highly anti-inflammatory, can help with fighting viruses and infections and can even help keep your breath fresh by working to combat bad bacteria in the mouth.
When exposed to bacteria in the mouth or enzymes in the body, nitrates turn into nitrites, which then either turn into nitric oxide or nitrosamines.
These little candies nourish the good bacteria in your mouth (and therefore discourages growth of cavity causing bacteria).
The bacteria in the mouth can seep back into the bottle and contaminate the remains.
Once your child brushes their teeth, limit them to just water so they don't go to bed with sugar and bacteria in their mouth.
Bacteria in the mouth usually can't harm the gums before the teeth emerge, but it can be hard to tell when the teeth are starting to push through, so you'll want to start early.
If your child is breathing through his mouth — because he has a stuffy nose, for example — then the bacteria in his mouth are more likely to grow undisturbed.
She pointed out that once solids are introduced, bacteria in the mouth can change and breast milk can actually cause cavities.
During pregnancy, your blood volume may increase by as much as 50 percent, giving bacteria in your mouth plenty to feed on and increasing the sensitivity of your gums.
Biting your newborns nails is also not recommended because it can lead to infection from the bacteria in your mouth.
Most of the bacteria in our mouths «are our friends,» says Mager.
A team led by James Farrell of the University of California, Los Angeles, compared the bacteria in the mouths of 10 healthy people with those in 10 people with pancreatic cancer.
Now, researchers have found that looking for certain bacteria in the mouth could lead to earlier diagnoses and save lives.
The problems start when certain bacteria in the mouth get together and form biofilms, which are communities of bacteria that are difficult to kill.
«We can not conclude that [certain bacteria in the mouth] makes someone more likely to develop pancreatic cancer,» says Adam Roberts, a molecular microbiologist at University College London.
Couples who enjoy at least nine «intimate kisses» a day are also more likely to have similar communities of bacteria in their mouths (Microbiome,
Researchers also found two types of bacteria in the mouth that may reduce risk of developing esophageal tumor.
As the function of the bacteria in the mouth becomes more understood, ancient techniques to support oral hygiene are becoming more popular.
There are many factors that affect the immune system and the body's ability to effectively handle bacteria in the mouth, including:
Introducing harmful substances into the system while working to remove existing toxins from bacteria in the mouth is really taking one step forward and two steps back.
Saliva is nature's way of washing away acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth, and it also bathes the teeth in bone - strengthening calcium and phosphate.
Given the understanding that these bacteria in the mouth travel through the bloodstream, it makes sense that gum disease could affect the rest of the body.
Coconut oil pulling is a natural way to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth and improve oral health.
The bacteria in your mouth feed on the food stuck between your teeth and release acid in the process, which ultimately causes dental decay.
For this reason, mouthwash can reach bacteria that floss can't and it is typically designed to kill bacteria in the mouth.
The latest issue of the Journal of Agriculture & Food Chemistry reveals that red wine may protect against dental plaque, cavities, and gum disease thanks to its polyphenols — micronutrients that have been proved to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria in the mouth.
The acidic contents present in lemon prevent the growth of bacteria, cleanse the mouth and stimulate the production of saliva, which will flush out any remaining bacteria in the mouth.
There is also the issue of bacteria in the mouth, between the teeth and in the gums.
The resin and essential oil can be used in homemade toothpastes recipes or mouthwash recipes for a natural way to reduce bad bacteria in the mouth.
Like mouthwash, the idea is that the water can reach between teeth and into gums to address bacteria in the mouth.
This list of links between root canal bacteria and diseases is by no means exhaustive, but the literature has consistently shown that the infections of these bacteria in the mouth are linked to chronic inflammatory diseases.
Research studies show that the consumption of refined carbohydrates — like sweetened beverages and sweet and starchy foods — promotes the growth of acid - producing bacteria in the mouth and the progression of tooth decay.3 One exception is xylitol, a naturally sweet compound found in birch trees, berries, mushrooms, corn husks, and oats.
Studies show oral probiotics an important weapon in fighting bad bacteria in your mouth and throat!
Eating sugary and starchy foods, drinking tea, coffee, and soda leads to an altered pH in the mouth - > certain strains of bacteria to proliferate - > bacteria form biofilms to protect themselves from mechanical removal such as is done through the flow of saliva or brushing teeth - > biofilms cause a buildup of plaque on the teeth from bacteria in the mouth.
While brushing alone won't necessarily stop gum disease, there is a particular method of brushing that was discovered years ago that more effectively fights these harmful strains of bacteria in the mouth.
It has the added effect of whitening teeth naturally and evidence even shows that it may be beneficial for gum health and that certain oils may help fight harmful bacteria in the mouth!
I often use OraWellness Heal Thy Mouth Blend as toothpaste or in homemade toothpaste recipes since it contains oils that help battle the bacteria in the mouth.
Likely because of its ability to help wipe out harmful bacteria in the mouth, oil pulling is known for its ability to help improve breathe and reduce plaque in the mouth.
Using his microscope, Dr. Bass identified the strains of bacteria in his mouth and used the microscope to gauge if different methods he tried were working to fight his gum disease, eventually identifying a method of brushing and a special toothbrush that helped reverse his gum disease.
When high - nitrate foods are consumed, nitrate is turned into nitrite by the good bacteria in the mouth.
Vegetables which are high in nitrates, like beetroot, provide the stomach protection from damage by converting nitrates into nitrites via the bacteria in the mouth and then transforming the nitrites into nitric oxide in the stomach.
«There's a natural environment of bacteria in the mouth and a natural environment of bacteria in the vagina, and for people with normal, healthy immune systems, there shouldn't be an issue,» she tells Health.
There are hundreds of different types of bacteria in your mouth.
The bacteria in your mouth love to feast on all the fructose that juicing provides.
A salt water (saline solution) rinse can prevent the buildup of infectious bacteria in the mouth or throat.
Streptococcus mutans is one of the main bacteria in your mouth and a key player in plaque buildup and tooth decay.
Gargle apple cider vinegar before you brush your teeth in the morning, and you'll notice that it quickly starts to remove stains and kill bacteria in your mouth and your gums.
Acids in apple cider vinegar will help you to reduce the bacteria in your mouth (at least the bad bacteria).
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