Sentences with phrase «bacterial products»

Imbalances in the composition of gut microbes in older mice cause the intestines to become leaky, allowing the release of bacterial products that trigger inflammation and impair immune function.
Anesthesia provides three important functions: immobilization in order to clean below the gum line, pain control, and the ability to place a tube into windpipe so bacterial products do not enter the respiratory system.
Anesthesia provides three important functions: immobilization in order to clean below the gum line, pain control, and the ability to place a tube into the windpipe, so bacterial products do not enter the respiratory system.
In animal studies, they found evidence for liver injury preceding increases in intestinal permeability; suggesting that bacteria and bacterial products from the gut move into the bloodstream, which in turn worsens the liver disease.
«Our observations imply that exposure to a broad variety of indoor allergens, bacteria and bacterial products early in life may reduce the risk of developing asthma,» said James E. Gern, M.D., the principal investigator of URECA and a professor at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
When stimulated with bacterial products, these immature monocytes themselves produce more inflammatory cytokines, thus further increasing levels in the blood.
The translocation of bacteria and bacterial products into the circulation contributes to alcoholic liver disease.
«If we find that these cells are induced by bacteria, and then find which bacterial products affect that process, we might be able to bypass the complexity of changing the gut microbes and instead intervene directly to increase the pTregs,» he says.
While multifactorial, researchers link leaky gut with rheumatoid arthritis as bacterial products slip through your gut lining and deposit in your joints, creating an immune reaction.
Subsequent work has identified that processed meats also release dead bacterial products called endotoxins into the bloodstream that stun arteries.
OXYFRESH ORAL HYGIENE SOLUTION: Oxyfresh in the drinking water helps to improve the breath as well as detoxifying certain bacterial products that can interfere with healing of oral tissues.
Adsorbents prevent the absorption of toxic bacterial products produced by your pet's intestinal bacteria.
Strikingly, the germ - free mice did not show an age - related increase in intestinal permeability or in levels of bacterial products or pro-inflammatory cytokines in the bloodstream, in contrast to conventionally raised mice.
Xanthan gum is a bacterial product.
Taken together, these findings demonstrate that age - related changes in the gut microbiome weaken the intestinal barrier, leading to the release of bacterial products that promote inflammation, impair immune function, and reduce lifespan.
The analysis of human samples helped them to develop a mouse model of the disease by introducing an allergen and a bacterial product to induce an immune profile and airway hyper - reactivity that were poorly controlled by corticosteroids, comparable to human severe asthma patients.
A possible mechanism behind the reported association could be the release of bacteria, bacterial products or pro-inflammatory cytokines from the periodontal lesions into the blood stream.
Derangement of the homeostasis between bacteria and host - derived signals provokes intestinal barrier malfunction leading to bacterial translocation, i.e. the bacteria (or bacterial products) transport from the intestinal lumen into the lamina propria [part of the intestinal mucosa] and, eventually, to extra-intestinal sites.
Your pet must make antibodies of it's own to the virus or bacterial product that was introduced by the vaccine.
At DrTim's Aquatics, our suite of bacterial products are second to none.
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