Sentences with phrase «bad as the apes»

After a (short) while I can see that Jane Goodall smelled as bad as the apes; it's hard to quickly soap up for high society.

Not exact matches

None of the proteins protect against HIV - 2, which came to us from apes like HIV - 1 did, she says, but humans have apparently fended off nearly 40 other monkey retroviruses, so our innate immunity «wasn't quite as bad as you thought.»
Tagged as: Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, Fast Five, Ghett «A Life, lars and the real girl, Lion King, Meek's Cutoff, No Strings Attached, Podcast, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Samurai X, The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, Water for Elephants
Indeed, there are more antagonistic beasts on the island besides the giant ape, as we get a look at the «skull - walkers» that appear to be the main «bad guys» that our heroes (including Kong) will be fighting.
And though he occasionally selects sources to ape badly (i.e. attempting to adapt Jeunet and Caro to «Phantom of the Opera»), when he finds the perfect source material to serve as foundation for his redux perversions (Psycho, Vertigo, The Birds, and Rebecca for Suspiria), the end result can be as original as it is discomfiting.
(As for Steve Zahn's Bad Ape, another new character, I found his presence to be distractingly Dobbyesque.)
In addition to its exquisitely crafted spectacle (artfully punctuated by Giancchino's heart - string - tugging score) and hefty themes (War for the Planet of the Apes deals in humanity's worst milestones, with allusions to the Holocaust and Slavery), War functions as a powerful vehicle for Andy Serkis, who redraws the lines of motion - capture performance's potential once again.
It's a flick that apes All that Jazz the way De-Lovely aped All that Jazz (that is: sickly, with a bad limp), with an aged Darin looking back on his life as though it were all a giant movie set.
Terry Notary as Rocket is a sad but noble figure, the tough grunt that has borne the losses of these battles but still serves the cause loyally, while series newcomer Steve Zahn as Bad Ape, a talking chimpanzee outside of Caesar's fold, walks a fine line between comic relief and innocent outsider suddenly brought into the fray.
Karin Konoval's empathetic orangutan, Maurice, develops a pungent parental chemistry with a mute human girl (Amiah Miller), and Steve Zahn revives the eccentric comic heroism of storybook castaways as a new character, the wizened hermit «Bad Ape
He is the worst kind of enfant terrible, armed with a bestial cunning and taste and intent on demonstrating his disdain with an insistently predictable parade of cheap rip - offs that use schlock and celluloid catcalls as camouflage for his ape mentality.
Steve Zahn is the key comedic presence in the film as Bad Ape.
He plays an ape know as, well, Bad Ape and he is a much - needed comedic relief in a rather grim movape know as, well, Bad Ape and he is a much - needed comedic relief in a rather grim movApe and he is a much - needed comedic relief in a rather grim movie.
It has a powerful resonance as a metaphor for wars of cultural animosity, hatred and mistrust, with human and ape both equating the worst actions of the other with the entire species.
There's a fine line between familiar and derivative, and there are more than a few themeparks that fall on the bad side of that line, but so long as they're not aping past games too much, there's nothing wrong with leaning on standard designs.
Julia Lehmann, from Roehampton University, said: «In reality, the effects of climate change on African apes may be much worse, as our model does not take into account possible anthropogenic effects, such as habitat destruction by humans and the hunting of apes for bushmeat.»
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