Sentences with phrase «bad bet»

The phrase "bad bet" means making a decision or taking a risk that is likely to result in a negative outcome or loss. Full definition
I am not sure these are not bad bets yet either.
Those purchasing insurance now that they know their vacation is in trouble will have problems... that would be a pretty bad bet for any insurance company.
I'm willing to overlook my three very bad bets because of one good one and therefore, I am an idiot.
Two games is not meaningful, we have a 600 game sample size that says good teams are bad bets when they play the worst teams in the league.
The webinar shows some tips and tricks for the software, the difference between good and bad betting systems, and how the software easily lets you find profitable ranges.
Eventually, the investor's portfolio is filled with nothing but declining bad bets.
Yes, he has to avoid bad bets and perform at his best.
The truth is they will no longer take bad bets.
Thanks to the company's bad bet on Nest, Google was behind Amazon in the home.
Exclusive: As CEO of Avon, Andrea Jung made bad bets and missed opportunities.
Top 25 teams have been bad bets against unranked opponents.
Etihad has made a series of bad bets on other airlines in recent years (think airberlin and Alitalia just for a start) and it's now feeling the pinch — expect more route «suspensions» and cost cutting announcements before this year is out.
Fred Upton, a Republican congressman from Michigan and chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, put his finger on the larger issue facing governments worldwide at a recent hearing: «Was Solyndra just one bad bet by an administration rushing to claim credit for the first loan guarantee, or is it the tip of the iceberg?»
Miller's fund — not surprisingly — has fallen right along with them, as some other bad bets on «values» never materialized either.
Today, as global markets nervously watch to see how much it will cost to save European banks from their willingness to make risky loans, critics around the world are calling for Hammurabi - style reforms to make sure financial institutions, not taxpayers, pay for future bad bets.
He proved that with his big bad bet on IBM and now he's doing the same with Apple.
Once the biggest startups begin to struggle, the work - arounds will proliferate — only with sellers dominating as investors flee bad bets.
That's looked like an awfully bad bet since the oil - price plunge of 2014, although the winnings sure were rolling in for a few years there.
He was also forced to clean up other messes, including bad bets on U.S. subprime mortgages and structured debt that cost the bank more than $ 10.7 billion in writedowns from 2007 to 2009, the most of any Canadian lender during the financial crisis.
Why then should the U.S. Treasury pay three times as much as the Iraq War for money that will end up being lost after paying off the gamblers from their own bad bets.
for avoiding men who are obviously bad bets.
Now that Venezuela's economy and oil production are both falling precipitously, the Chinese are having to deal with the fact that all of this money has been lost, and will have to be written off as a very bad bet.
Good bets lose and bad bets win.
If sheltering people from losses would allow them to expect to profit by placing bad bets, many more people will place such bets than would do so without such protection; further, in many cases, the increase in the number of people placing such bets will increase the likelihood that they will go bad.
I don't know about the Icelandic problem in particular, but would suggest that a common problem is that situations where it is possible for people to place bets without being able to fully cover them, and the ability to welsh on bad bets shifts what would be a negative expected value to a positive one, invite disaster.
Given that Labour is unlikely to recover in 2020 the 59 parliamentary seats lost in Scotland in 2015, and the boundary review will probably cost Labour a further 20 seats, a new leader before 2020 seems a much worse bet than Blair in 1994 to be the next Labour prime minister.
Since NOA had so much authority during that time period, and seeing how badly they bet on Dragon Quest, I believe they had to be partially responsible.
Locking us into gas infrastructure for decades when solar is already cheaper than gas now is a seriously bad bet.
Other social networking firms, like Twitter and Snap, are far worse bets than Facebook, brokers believe.
Charlie (Jackman) is a consistent loser on the circuit, carting around his bots — and pieces — in an 18 - wheeler, making bad bets and usually running out rather than paying up.
It's certainly arguable that fossil fuel companies are bad bets for long - term investors like universities, churches and pension funds.
Harry Wilson, who leads the auto deals and diligence team, used to be a partner at hedge fund firm Silver Point Capital before, according to two sources, he was forced out last year following a string of bad bets that triggered significant losses for the fund.
The webinar shows some tips and tricks for the software, the difference between good and bad betting systems, and how the software easily lets...
On the other hand, bad bets on derivatives brought down Barings, Britain's oldest bank, and drove Orange County, California, into bankruptcy.
The reduction in bonuses due to a bad bet on Banco Espirito Santo comes at a time when many traders are already expecting lower bonuses.
That's another bad bet that happens roughly once in a blue moon.
Government agencies are always at risk of putting money into what Schuck calls «bad bets» and «bad apples.»
In general, I think inverse funds are bad bets.
H - 1Bs are simply a bad bet for startups.
Lottery tickets are a bad bet, and to advise someone to buy lottery tickets as an investment strategy would be fraudulently bad investment advice.
This is why branching your business into an unknown pool of people is never a bad bet.
A bear market will make even low costs index funds look like a bad bet.
He tried to tell me the Olympics were a bad bet.
Or because he is holding onto some bad bets that depended on a Trump crash and OPEC failing to make a deal?
It's as giveaway — to insiders, to sell out all their bad bets.
But, once again, the size of JPMorgan's position in the bad bets was not broken out.
Tonight we ask if gold is a safe haven, or a bad bet?
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