Sentences with phrase «bad cell phone reception»

Not exact matches

There's Danny Glover as the President of the United States, a Russian billionaire with a Paris Hiltonesque girlfriend, Tom McCarthy playing Jackson's domestic rival, kids with urinary incontinence problems, Oliver Platt as the snivelling government stooge, improbable cell phone reception, car - fu, airplane gymnastics, bad Arnold Schwarzenegger vocal imitators, and surveillance cameras with unlikely range.
There is probably nobody out there who has not had to deal with the pitfalls of the modern - day conference call: crying babies or dogs barking on the line of the person working from home; the dude calling in from his cell phone with bad reception; the lady dialing in from the airport with flight announcements on the P.A. system interrupting every 30 seconds; the loud talker; the soft talker; the foreign accent - talker you can not understand; the two people who keep talking over each other; the business - speak cliches you must endure («at the end of the day»); and so on.
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