Sentences with phrase «bad day at work»

One day I went into the studio in the worst mood because of a really bad day at work.
It makes all bad days at work seem meaningless.
What was your best day and worst day at work during this past year?
And now, when anyone is having a really bad day at work, we make them wear the shirt.
However bad his day at work was, chances are mum's was worse.
I can't protect my family as well as a stay - at - home parent, but at least no matter how bad my day at work gets, I'll never have to change my boss's diaper.
After one particularly bad day at work, I returned home and started Googling long - term travel.
But more importantly, when you have had a very bad day at work, when you get home, you can see one of your tasks has already been done.»
In the same vein, research shows a common tendency among aggressive and angry drivers is to let themselves off the hook by blaming external factors for their own behavior («I had a really bad day at work.»).
««Tell me about your best and worst days at work
We all have good days and bad days at work.
If a bad day at work is pushing you over the mental and emotional edge, put down the cup of coffee.
You'd think that Christian music singer Brandon Heath hardly ever has a bad day at work.
Whether you: Know the snow is coming and you won't be leaving the house for a few days Had a bad day at work Have company coming over for dinner and want to slam it outta» the park on course 1 Wanted to make a sinfully rich treat for someone (or yourself) This loaded baked potato soup made with your Magic Bullet Blender is soooo one hundo the way to go and you betta bet your Van Halen tush this -LSB-...]
- You had a bad day at work.
It has been one of THE WORST days at work.
I think Giroud Is a ok forward he as come a far way and I think he will get there my problem is how long he will take he had a bad game we all have bad days at work I can't quite say the say for Ozil (yes he played through the middle) I think we should sell him and call it a lost he is very very poor since he became a arsenal player and this is where maurinho will always get my respect because he couldn't be playing like that in a maurinho team.
he had a very bad day at work is what I think and mayb d absense of a leader in d defense is to b blamed too for his lost of concentration sometimes.
That's why their are too many rants on this forum every after a bad day at work by Arsenal.Why?Guys here have very high expectations and they don't try to look at the other side of the coin.
How when I come home after a bad day at work and my daughter's smile makes me feel better.
Maybe they had a bad day at work, or they're not feeling well, or they're really tired.
If you've had a bad day at work thanks to rude colleagues, doing something fun and relaxing after you punch out could net you a better night's sleep.
But odds are if you are stressed or are having a bad day at work, it won't feel great to mindlessly eat sugar cookies.
Q. «Every time I have a bad day at work, I seem to take it out on my poor family.
Whether you're having a good day or a bad day at work, that music is still there.
Perhaps you have a day when you feel unproductive, or just had a bad day at work.
I love just going home after a bad day at work and getting into bed with my puppies, it makes everything better!
It has been one of THE WORST days at work.
Don't tell me you've never been having a bad day at work and then looked down south at your new embellished footwear and given an inner smile!
Our besties, work wives, and even acquaintances are the ones who lift us up when we're down, motivate us to keep going when we have a bad day at work, energize us to pursue our passions, and whose mere presence makes us feel at ease.
If either of us ever have a bad day at work or anything, we turn to SexSearch for our xxx dating needs and cruise the sex personals until we find a hot gay couple like us.
How does he behave when he's tired, hungry, or has had a bad day at work?
Any amount of other things can influence on someone behaves, as a bad day at work does their quarrelsome, or lack of sleep inattentive.
After a bad day at work, a frustrated reporter meets God, who endows him with divine powers for one week.
After a bad day at work (he's a sound man and he's clashed with the director of a TV show he's working on over the authenticity of some wildlife sounds he'd captured earlier that morning), he returns home to Michelle who surprises him with the handcuffs and a series of requests / demands that he had no way of expecting.
I come away more stressed than I was when the session began, like a bad day at work.
I also get asked «Do you ever have a bad day at work
This plush 3 Series, with grippy AWD, will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you during one of her bad days at work.
This outstanding, one - owner Tundra, with grippy 4WD, will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you during one of her bad days at work.
This terrific, one - owner Outlander Sport, with grippy 4WD, will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you during one of her bad days at work.
This immaculate Impreza, with its grippy AWD, will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you during one of her bad days at work.
You know that you can't do the research work: When you return home after that bad day at work, you can't focus your mind on researching for your essay.
I avoid using these excuses; every time I have a really bad day at work or I start getting fed up with the daily grind, I increase my retirement contribution a little more.
You know... bad day at work, skipped lunch, lots of traffic, big headache?
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