Sentences with phrase «bad financial behavior»

Since credit freezes put an automatic stop on requests for new credit, they can help curtail bad financial behavior.

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This plays a big role in investor behavior: Investors have a (bad) habit of selling winners and not letting losers go because of loss aversion rather than for logical financial reasons.
Upbraiding for its chronic bad behavior, the Fed imposed a consent order that indefinitely prohibits the bank from growing its assets, a severe handicap in the competitive financial industry.
Last year, financial markets took the worst drubbing since the Great Depression, so perhaps not surprisingly this year's «Nobel Prize» in economics honors two researchers who studied economic behavior in other settings.
For older adults, changes in physical condition and life circumstances can lead to changes for the worse in financial behavior, putting their well - being in danger.
Now there won't be a financial incentive for bad behavior.
Regardless of your starting point — bad credit or no credit — your first action is to begin demonstrating responsible financial behavior.
It's an interesting concept as it offers rewards for good financial behavior rather than focusing on punishment (fees) for bad behavior.
Survivors / winners sell their worst assets and hunker down — they have enough financial slack that they don't have to engage in panic behavior.
[126][130][131] During a 2008 House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on the role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the financial crisis, including in relation to the Community Reinvestment Act, when asked if the CRA provided the «fuel» for increasing subprime loans, former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines said it might have been a catalyst encouraging bad behavior, but it was difficult to know.
A lot of the financial anxiety experienced by millennials isn't a result of bad money behaviors so much as it is a result of fearing the unknown.
We need a rock - solid foundation for financing homeownership with a bigger role for the private sector, where taxpayers aren't on the hook for the irresponsible behavior or bad decisions of financial institutions and we finally put an end to an era where Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could expect a bailout for risky behavior in pursuit of profits.
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