Sentences with phrase «bad horror movie»

It's not really worth a look unless you like bad horror movies a lot.
Yes, I hated it, but I'm still obligated to buy it for my occasional bad horror movie nights.
You could certainly and easily find worse horror movies than The Boy, even when limiting yourself to wide release studio fare.
Is this supernatural crime thriller spooky and disturbing in all the right ways or should Hollywood be exorcised of bad horror movies?
There is something perennially fascinating about the way bad horror movies unfold.
In her free time, she teaches yoga, loves to garden, cook delicious vegetarian dishes, knitting and enjoys bad horror movies.
In his spare time he volunteers with a local Greyhound Rescue, enjoys archery and watching bad horror movies.
90's movies, cult classic movies, cheesiest movies ever made, worst movies ever made, and the worst horror movies ever made are all fun options.
Jesus, one of the worst horror movies ever made, it sucks in almost every aspect, the script is boring and predictable as always, the sums up all the movie, and the ending, WHO THE HELL WROTE THE ENDING?
Overall The Lazarus Effect isn't the worst horror movie I've ever seen, but there's barely anything innovative or original to make it memorable.
What is the point of remaking a bad horror movie if you can't make it any better or scarier?
Quite possibly one of the worst horror movies of the 2000s.
Like last week's disaster «The Wicker Man,» «House of Wax» commits the cardinal sin of a bad horror movies: It takes itself painfully, painfully seriously.
Bad horror movies can be fun.
«The Lazarus Effect» is easily one of the worst horror movies of the year.
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil - Generally inspired send - up of horror movie stereotypes still plays out a lot like a bad horror movie.
I suppose no bad horror movie is complete without the presence of Clint Howard, who in his short time in the film at least grabs a couple of laughs.
There are good horror movies and bad horror movies.
It's not the worst horror movie you'll see this year (Try «Devil's Due» or maybe «The Quiet Ones «-RRB-, but it's still pretty bad.
And when somehow that fresh idea, fresh book does get through an editor and gets published, (In this new world, more than likely indie published first), it will spawn (like a bad horror movie) thousands of «easy sell» books.
It's like a bad guy in a bad horror movie.
The developers took the game in an old grindhouse direction so that the entire game has the look and feel of a bad horror movie.
It sounded like a bad horror movie!
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