Sentences with phrase «bad indicator»

This is a very bad indicator to use for thyroid dysfunction because it's so late stage.
Typically in finance, a founder selling out his stake is a very BAD indicator for his perception of future performance.
Thirst is actually one of the worst indicators of dehydration.
Bad probably has a higher predictive correlation than good but good isn't a bad indicator either.
If the new computer simulations are correct, the trapping of ozone in the equatorial region of tidally locked exoplanets could be a bad indicator for the habitability of these worlds.
Feeling sore is a bad indicator of proper training.
Having a lot of outstanding debt is a bad indicator to lenders.
Miller says Greenpeace made a major mistake basing their numbers on the $ 1 billion investment in the data center, assuming that all of that money was going into the data center itself and not accounting for the chunk that would be spent on the renewable energy projects and that square footage is also a bad indicator since different companies fill that square footage with differing amounts of computing vs. non-computing equipment — there's no standard to use for that calculation.
Now, Stephen Briggs from the European Space Agency's Directorate of Earth Observation says that sea surface temperature data is the worst indicator of global climate that can be used, describing it as «lousy».
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