Sentences with phrase «bad judgment»

Don't mess it up by making bad judgment calls.
These are either sins of bad judgment in advertising or sins of omission just because the school's marketing program is behind the times.
Regardless, I think they used bad judgment in producing it (unless it was completely pro bono) and in posting it.
We are only human, and we get tired, we have bad days, we make bad judgment calls, and that in turn can affect our children.
There will always be people, mothers and others, who show bad judgment by nursing while fully exposed or not removing a noisy baby promptly.
While the original sin may have shown bad faith, the government's response showed bad judgment.
However, I did occasionally exercise bad judgment regarding velocity, considering the car had no airbags or ABS or stability control.
But the bigger concern isn't the risk of a few teachers with excessively bad judgment.
Unfortunately, a lot of experience comes from previous bad judgments.
We always risk making bad judgments in the political mode of public theology.
Of course, one of the wonders of surfing is the number of variables engaged, and even experienced surfers can get caught exercising bad judgment.
They are often a result of poor decision - making and bad judgment by living beyond your means and not assuming personal responsibility.
I believe the best way to predict your future is to create it, That good judgment comes from experience and but sometimes experience comes from bad judgment.
Ordinarily the exercise of bad judgment on the part of the paddler leads to a ruined ride and a few words.
Johnson told the Observer she apologized to Brixx — a 12 - year - old company with 13 restaurants in three states — for using bad judgment.
«Some diversity in views is healthy, but catastrophically bad judgment (in my view) is not what anyone wants in a fellow board member.»
Kaye determined Paterson had exhibited bad judgment in the former, but not in a way that merited any criminal charges.
«If you artificially get stuck on full, you are going to make bad judgments about when to fill your tank up.»
However, do nt let a few bad judgment calls stop you from watching it because it truly is a pretty good movie with some great revenge and morals hiding behind the cover and as strange and slow as it gets closes off with a pretty solid conclusion.
«We don't believe, based on what we know so far, that this is deep systemic corruption throughout the department as opposed to perhaps bad judgment of a small group of people that were relatively senior,» said NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs Lawrence Byrne.
According to the mayor, Cochran was fired for bad judgment.
Which is not to say there aren't dramatic moments — Arquette's single mom shows a history of bad judgment when it comes to life partners and one flight from a particularly bad marriage to a bullying drunk is both harrowing and startlingly realistic — but that the usual spotlight events are left offscreen.
Corner - office intrigue, consensus management in gridlock, a souring economy, and plain old bad judgment would conspire to send Yahoo's revenues plummeting 42 % in the most recent quarter, to $ 180 million.
Other fortunes were lost through confiscation, and bad judgment such as often is found with risky foreign investment.
Personal time was necessary, he argued: «If you are completely exhausted and barely have any time for your family... you will get into a situation because you will make very bad judgments
Fellow Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who represents part of Manhattan, told reporters on Capitol Hill that Weiner is a «serial liar» and someone who «has shown monumentally bad judgment» and «needs serious psychiatric help.»
So historians had papered over the fact that when we developed the atomic bomb we made a decisive bad judgment that cost more than half a billion of 1940s dollars and delayed the war's end by about a year.
There is no need to recall a time in your life where you executed bad judgment so you can feel bad about yourself, let alone share that with the man you're dating.
What is most amazing, or perhaps terrifying, is that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are just «precursors» of even worse judgments that come later in the tribulation (Revelation chapters 8 — 9 and 16).
Partly because it is hard to care about stupid characters and partly because it is the cheapest form of comedic plotting, the best friend with obviously bad judgment who no one should ever listen to and yet who is trusted again and again for his ideas.
(Teenagers have famously bad judgment, weak self - control, and proclivities toward recklessness.)
Judge Zabel used extremely bad judgment in wearing that hat into the courtroom.
I think we've all seen enough bad decisions and wrongdoing by lawyers to understand that lawyers are just like everyone else; we have the same temptations, the same bad judgment and same self - interest to be protected.
Desperate job seekers mistakenly look to salary to save them, and bad judgment follows.
Green groups argue that putting such a large population of young soldiers in such close proximity to such a potentially dangerous place shows bad judgment on the part of the army and the government, to say the least.
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings — who called his fellow board member Thiel's support of Trump «catastrophically bad judgment» in an email leaked to the Times — also offered to resign over his disagreement with Thiel, according to a Wall Street Journal report published Thursday.
When people's sense of what's morally acceptable influences their sense of what's safe, they can make bad judgments about parents» actions.
IMHO, it is because attorneys use bad judgment and poorly execute procedures when faced with business issues.
The well - rested you makes fewer errors, fewer bad judgment calls and has better mental acuity.
Worse, she starts looking for love in all the wrong places, exhibiting bad judgment by having unprotected sex with a promiscuous colleague (David Call) in a back alley and by not only dating a homeless guy (Alex Karpovsky) but letting the hobo move into the house without asking permission.
It was bad luck (and perhaps bad judgment) that Adidas bet the farm on one marquee player.
The Republican candidate said that this showed that «Crooked Hillary» suffers from bad judgment.
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