Sentences with phrase «bad kids in my class»

The counselors put all of the bad kids in my class
And a bad kid in my class» face lit up.
As a matter of principle you should sit silently in the back like the bad kid in the class who has been told to be quiet until they learn how to behave.

Not exact matches

It would be like saying to your kid that all the other kids in their class are bad, therefore you're going to kill all their families (including pets) and raze the neighbourhood.
I explained how these families are largely working class, black and Latino families who find their kids and loved ones caught in a maze of broken systems and structures as soon as they make a bad decision or mistake in judgment.
I find it hard to see children really crying in class, or being that affect by, kids believe they are resilient, and I don't care how many times you tell them it is bad for them, most will continue on doing what they love to do, especially eating hot Cheetos during class.
«You know, sometimes kids get bad grades in school because the class moves too slow for them.
Every kid can have a bad day from time to time in class, but if your A student is mysteriously becoming a D or F student, bullying may be at the source of their uncharacteristic academic decline.
A friend of mine, K, is going through a problem now in which a child in her son's class who has not been taught boundaries and limits is pushing all the kids away by his bad behavior.
Growing up in an upper - middle - class community in Munich, he was, he says, a «very, very, very bad kid
It was embarrassing to the point that I really felt bad for the kids in his class.
This California - centric volume contends that many middle - class families live under the illusion that their kids» schools are swell and that it's only poor families whose children are trapped in bad schools and therefore need charters, vouchers, open enrollment plans, and other policies and programs designed to afford them access to better options.
Thus, the solution to bad parenting is fairly straightforward: teach kids to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent while they are learning the times tables, memorizing the Declaration of Independence, handing in homework, and paying attention in science class.
Though the teachers unions will have none of that getting - rid - of - bad - teachers stuff, ask any parent if they rather have their kid in a class of 21 with a mediocre or worse teacher or a class of 24 with a good or great teacher.
With all due respect to my wife, it was clear how bad the school was when the parents were fighting to have their kids in her class when she had just 6 weeks of teacher training.
But the kids in his class talk about yokai like they're bad!
I've only had one bad experience where a family (of four) single handedly ruined a lounge experience for me by allowing their kids to run and scream throughout the lounge but that was in Tokyo at a first class ANA lounge.
Truly bad art, con art really, once it has had some sort of faddish influence amongst the chattering class, stays in the history books indefinitely, being talked about endlessly, and is still pointed out to school kids as being best of class.
Six kids in my class suffer from breathing problems, which get worse when the air is dirty.»
These are the bad kids in school who get put in the special class.
Consequently, if a parent opts out for court because his or her ex-spouse refuses to co-parent in peace, and the parent does not want to make the situation worse, they probably will at the least, desire for their kid to attend psycho - educational classes or attend counseling (to cope and learn proper responses).
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