Sentences with phrase «bad overall account»

Accounts are NOT slapped for buying too many irrelevant keywords, not creating well - structured ad groups, abysmal CTR on ad text, or even a bad overall account CTR.

Not exact matches

The Commission charged that although the media tried to give a balanced and factual account of the events of the summer of 1967, they tended overall to exaggerate «both good and bad events.»
It found that although the media tried to give a balanced and factual account of the events of the summer of l967, they tended overall to exaggerate «both good and bad events.»
Of all the mediating factors analysed, the researchers found that a reduction in fear avoidance beliefs (fears that exercise or activity will make symptoms worse, which is an understandable reaction to having CFS) was the strongest, accounting for up to 60 % of the overall effect of CBT and GET on outcomes.
Mr Gove said:» [This] suggests that candidates who enter early perform worse overall than those who do not, even after resits are taken into account.
The dollar value price improvement is the overall monetary improvement of executed orders, taking into account orders that are executed better and worse than the NBBO.
One bad month can erase all of your monthly gains for your 12 month term, but your account will not decrease in value overall and your gains from prior years are locked in.
Furthermore, inquiries, even under the worst of situations, could only account for 10 % of your overall score.
Credit history carries a lot of weight — 35 % of your credit score — so closing older accounts can actually be very bad for your overall credit score.
Worse will be, if you swipe, between all of your accounts, more than $ 25,000 which will cause you to have an overall utilization of 50 %.
Even after taking account of the child's social background and family circumstances, low overall parenting skills were associated with poorer general health, greater longstanding illness, poorer mental health, worse dental health, lower physical activity, higher screen time, lower fruit and vegetable consumption, and more snacking amongst children.
After taking account of the child's social background and family circumstances, low overall parenting skills were associated with poorer general health, greater longstanding illness, poorer mental health, worse dental health, lower physical activity, higher screen time, lower fruit and vegetable consumption, and more snacking amongst children.
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