Sentences with phrase «bad physics»

Well for one thing, they turn water levels from an already tedious exercise in bad physics to an equally.
THAT, folks, is pure baloney, because it is suggesting that a cold atmosphere (about 5C average) can warm a warmer surface which is really, really bad physics (yeah, yeah, there are still some folks out there that believe that, but they will eventually learn....).
Although the VGA graphics looks nice and the music decent, the game suffers from bad physics and lackluster track design.
If we taught architects more physics and less philosophy they wouldn't fall for this garbage — and while I'm at it shame on you engineers for using bad physics to deceive gullible architects.
tedious exercise in bad physics... where you have to go as quickly as possible to avoid drowning.
Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics, a website devoted to protecting «the minds of our children and their ability to master vectors,» voted 2003's The Core as «the worst physics movie ever.»
IT SOUNDS like a bad physics joke: how many water molecules does it take to change an acid?
Sonic Forces had a lot of issues, including poor 2D and 3D controls, bad physics, and bad performance on some systems.
Last November's Sonic Forces had a lot of issues, including poor 2D and 3D controls, bad physics, and bad performance on some systems.
What sinks this into possibly being the worst physics - based puzzle game of all time is two things.
Sonic Forces had a lot of issues, including poor 2D and 3D controls, bad physics, and bad performance on some systems.
Last November's Sonic Forces had a lot of issues, including poor 2D and 3D controls, bad physics, and bad performance on some systems.
Unfunniness, nonsensical puzzles or bad physics are all problems we've seen with games like this one.
JM: What I do not support are: lies, exaggerations, twistings of the truth, and bad physics / engineering from anyone.
What I do not support are: lies, exaggerations, twistings of the truth, and bad physics / engineering from anyone.
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