Sentences with phrase «bad reflux»

"Bad reflux" refers to when stomach acid flows back up into the throat, causing symptoms like heartburn and a burning sensation. Basically, it means having an uncomfortable stomach acid problem. Full definition
All the prescription formulas have failed in the way that she was still badly reacting to it and has really bad reflux.
I just thought I would add that I have a 6 month old GERD baby with very bad reflux - solids did not help her though my pediatrician said they might (thanks for adding that in this post).
My baby is 9 weeks old and had bad reflux takes forever to drink 3 oz from dr browns's bottle with level1 nipple.
My son is 11 weeks old (he was born 10 weeks premature) and he is having pretty bad reflux and HORRIBLE gas.
Really wanted to start solids at 6 months but my baby's got bad reflux so dr said i must start at 4 months with rice cereal.
My daughter had a severe dairy allergy and very bad reflux, and projectile vomited her way through her first year.
My baby had really bad reflux..
I was excited to try it out since my little one has bad reflux and doesn't like traditional bassinets.
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