Sentences with phrase «bad role models»

«Looking at the Logan Paul incident and the brothers» whole behavior and influence on young people, is there anything YouTube can do to prevent bad role models from having a huge influence on future generations?
Chaos in society can be traced to bad role models which can be traced to easy divorce and amoral s3x which can be traced to easy birth con - trol and ab0rt1on.
It will be easy for those impressionable youths who are inclined to leadership to mimic leadership as what they see demonstrated in the political world, where they are presented with the abundance of bad role models.
I can see believable brotherly love and chemistry in this film, in contrast to hyperactive, incredibly annoying and overall, plain bad role models in the first one.
But I'm a bad role model for simplifying finances because I'm on the far side of the spectrum with multiple personal investment accounts and bank -LSB-...]
Czech - American Navratilova, who married her partner Julia Lemigova in 2014 said she «had long ago forgiven Court» for saying being a lesbian made her a «bad role model».
One Cleveland Cavaliers fan showed off his «That Lady Who Hurt Kevin Love Is A Bad Role Model» sign at yesterday's Cleveland Indians game,
One Cleveland Cavaliers fan showed off his «That Lady Who Hurt Kevin Love Is A Bad Role Model» sign at yesterday's Cleveland Indians...
Mark McGwire is stalking one of baseball's most cherished records... and suddenly he's engaged in a tabloid - driven controversy that's painting him as a cheater and a bad role model.
He doesn't understand that he is a bad role model for our kids,» stated Phil Rumore, President of the Buffalo Teachers Federation (BTF).
Kim's sassy response didn't stop a slew of other celebrities from adding their own two cents, including Chloe Grace Moretz accusing the reality star of being a bad role model and Miley Cyrus accusing them all of being «tacky.»
Fans excuse her insipid hackery with vague admonitions of teenage girldom, conveniently overlooking the fact that her heroines are the worst role models for teenage girls this side of crystal meth addicts.
After all, Hasselhoff isn't such a bad role model.
Skinny (0.43 inch thick), lightweight (6.3 ounces), and available in eight cheery colors, this e-book reader resembles an overgrown iPod — not a bad role model for industrial design.
But I'm a bad role model for simplifying finances because I'm on the far side of the spectrum with multiple personal investment accounts and bank accounts.
But I'm a bad role model for simplifying finances because I'm on the far side of the spectrum with multiple personal investment accounts and bank -LSB-...]
For the past 25 years, it has been largely though that the development of childhood aggression was down to learning from bad role models.
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