Sentences with phrase «bad use of marijuana»

Not exact matches

But Lance, who was already using marijuana and dabbling in speed and cocaine, says, «The truck drivers were as bad [a bunch] of junkies as anybody you ever met.»
The point being that the biggest argument for controlling marijuana, the claim that it lead to use of worse drugs, was pretty much proven to be false, and most statisticians and researchers seem to agree on that fact today.
Worst of all, this system has resulted in a civil rights disaster: African Americans are dramatically more likely to be arrested for pot possession than whites, despite similar rates of marijuana use among both groups.»
«Very Bad Things» is rated R for profanity, sickeningly gruesome makeup effects and gore, violent fist fighting, a stabbing and disturbing vehicular accidents, full female and male nudity, a graphic sex scene, drug use (cocaine and marijuana) and use of vulgar slang and ethnic slurs.
This is on par with the effects of sleep deprivation, and much worse than using marijuana.
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