Sentences with phrase «bad witness»

Too bad the witnesses are dying before they can go to court to prove it.
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This pastor is a bad tipper and a bad witness.
You, in essence, call Tim Tebow an ignorant ambassador and a bad witness for Christ.
Its really a shame that people who call her Christian who know less than she does cling on to the false ideas she has and parade them as a bad witness to Christ and the Gospel.
But Tebow loves Jesus and displays that love in public, and that makes him a bad witness, drumming up negative attention for Christ?
Who was the worst witness?
We are super excited about players getting their hands on Cubemen 2 and witnessing what amazing levels they create with our wicked new level editor, and of course receiving feedback about the game, the good and the bad
The driver's insurance company was in a weak negotiating position because it was clear that the driver would make a bad witness in front of a jury because she expressed no willingness to take responsibility for her actions which increased the likelihood of a large verdict in the plaintiff's favor.
I don't have any Christian stickers (or any stickers at all) on my car because I think the way I drive could be a bad witness!
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