Sentences with phrase «bag of popcorn»

These gifts can be as simple as a single bag of popcorn with a business card that says, «The real estate market is popping».
I've had clients tell me they feel okay about eating an entire bag of popcorn in one sitting because it's low in calories.
I'm usually reaching for a candy bar or bag of popcorn at 3 pm and more often than not know I should be eating something healthier.
But I did keep snapping away as he was so darn cute with that big bag of popcorn!
We had a very nice chicken cashew nut, a mini burger, and a huge bag of popcorn, made by two friendly guys.
What I was surprised by, was that one little bag of popcorn was about $ 10.
And don't even get me started on the microwave bags of popcorn.
For the baby bag of popcorn, simply glue together pieces of white and red felt around your baby carrier.
I adore going out to the movie theater and settling in with a buttery bag of popcorn.
They only food required is a few bags of popcorn and a fridge of cold beers.
You'll need a big bag of popcorn to follow this one.
I have this whole bag of popcorn in my pantry from an ill - fated wok - popped popcorn recipe... this technique / recipe will definitely help me use it up.
My mom buys 20 lb bags of popcorn at costco... moms just know about bulk - buying.
I didn't try any of the pasta dishes (since I had already eaten a giant bag of popcorn at the movies right before!)
Popping your own popcorn is the healthy alternative to microwaveable bags of popcorn.
Spy his crazy antics throughout the game as he weaves his way throughout the crowds, playing tricks (ever had a gigantic bag of popcorn dumped on your head?)
But here's what they didn't realize: the calories are low per serving, but an entire bag of popcorn packs the carbs and fat of four slices of bread and nearly four tablespoons of oil.
Kid in charge of school lunch assembly made bags of popcorn with coconut oil and seasonings (see Ch.
Repeat with remaining bag of popcorn and 2 more tablespoons of sugar mixture.
Though we're certainly not promoting M&M s as a weight - loss food (we sincerely wish we could), we do recommend ordering the small bag of popcorn when you're at the movies and buying single - serving — sized snack food packs instead of jumbo sizes.
BTW ate my first bag of popcorn with chopsticks.
Given a chance to fulfill such promise, Grindhouse is a mixed - bag of a popcorn flick where more proves to be less.
Every now and then, there comes a film that reaffirms our quelling desire to be at the movies, or to watch as we sit back on the couch with an addictive bag of popcorn.
Before leaving we bought a huge bag of popcorn from Popper Pete's Popcorn, filled to the brim for $ 10.
Or she has mailed rival sports team schedules so they can root for the other team, or once she sent bags of popcorn with stickers that say «Real estate is popping; give me a call.»
This trailer definitely has a grindhouse vibe with the saturated look, and seems like a great film to see at midnight in some old junky theater with a big bag of popcorn.
Small bags of popcorn are also an inexpensive way to keep people munching up and down your aisles and piles of good stuff.
~ «I think what [Pro] is trying to say is that, sure, we own the good games and are happy with them; but picture yourself as a soccer mom with a red cart and bag of popcorn at Target facing that wall in the game aisle.
Easily dress up as a mama movie attendant and bag of popcorn with a few easy materials: for the attendant you'll need a white button up, black slacks, and a red bow tie!
In December, an Amazon drone delivered a bag of popcorn and a media player to a customer in Cambridgeshire, England — 13 minutes after the order was placed.
Fogg wanted to reduce the amount of popcorn he ate, so he took the bag of popcorn out of his kitchen, climbed the ladder in his garage, and put the popcorn on the highest shelf.
«There is no reason a bag of popcorn should be $ 5.99 just because it's got less calories.
The watching world can sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch Christians devalue and destroy one another, until no one will be left.
My daughters had to be held back from pouncing right on the bag of popcorn until I decided what I was going to make.
For a Grinchy treat that comes together even more quickly you can pop a bag of popcorn and drizzle it with green chocolate candy melts.
These are so good so I don't go straight for the bag of popcorn in my pantry
«Those bags of popcorn.
my trip always starts with a coffee from starbucks and ends with a bag of popcorn for the kids (if they were patient with mommy shopping!).
You don't have to heat up a bag of popcorn to enjoy a crunchy, buttery snack.
So, if the calories on that bag of popcorn are listed as 150, and you eat the entire bag, then you have really consumed 375 calories.
If, like me, you're a fan of the old maids (the half - popped kernals) at the bottom of a bag of popcorn, then you're in for a real treat.
I enjoy my health and fitness, but I also enjoy a prosecco filled weekend with a bag of popcorn.
When I spent a brief six weeks in Uganda years ago during a tumultuous election, I grabbed a bag of popcorn before taking public transportation away from the downtown riots.
Discount tickets leave more money left over for a bag of popcorn to share, plus you get to see a cool new movie for next to nothing.
Or how much you spend on a movie and a bag of popcorn.
Make interesting conversation as you wait in line for the park rides and share a bag of popcorn at the dolphin show.
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