Sentences with phrase «balance grant requirements»

Other grantees have also struggled to balance grant requirements with union and teacher preferences, even if they haven't had to terminate their grants.

Not exact matches

Like any federal grantee, Smarter Balanced must operate within the requirements of its federal grant; however, there is a great deal of latitude built into the grant for state decision - making.
PARCC and Smarter Balanced are now past the halfway mark of their four - year grants — the Technical Review will help the Department support their work by analyzing their progress meeting the requirements laid out in the Race to the Top Assessment program and identifying how we can better partner with the consortia during this critical development phase.
The Court of Appeal then went on to consider whether it was proportionate to grant the injunction sought by Cartier, bearing in mind the requirements identified by the High Court that the relief must be necessary, effective, dissuasive, not unnecessarily complicated or costly, avoid barriers to legitimate trade, be fair and equitable and strike a fair balance between the applicable fundamental rights, and be proportionate.
The Court found the three - part test in RJR — MacDonald Inc v. Canada (Attorney General) regarding requirements for an interlocutory injunction to be satisfied — there was a serious issue, irreparable harm would result if the injunction was not granted, and the balance of convenience is in favour of granting it.
As plaintiffs have shown that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their First Amendment claim, are likely to suffer irreparable harm absent an injunction, and that the balance of equities and public interest favor an injunction, the court will grant plaintiffs» request to enjoin Proposition 65's warning requirement for glyphosate.
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