Sentences with phrase «balance in midfield»

Yeah right as if there is balance in midfield when he is playing.
It would give us great balance in midfield and create more space in the middle of the pitch.
With the right balance in midfield, say a Schniederlin and Ramsey / Wilshere partnership, they could possibly be able to keep possession better while maintaining the defensive side as well.
The continuity within the back line made all the difference in my opinion, and I think if we strike the same balance in the midfield areas, Leeds will finish the season in dominating form.
but if we were to repeat this feat again we need to go with the same balance in the midfield.
He might be too much a carbon copy of Godoy, however, and the two on the field together may not provide balance in the midfield.
He is a good B2B CM with high stamina, I hope he can be like Casemiro or Rakitic, a player that can bring balance in the midfield area.
Think we have a good balance in midfield, and up top — but we all know we are not fast enough at the back — and that can't be fixed if you play Mert.
We've found a proper balance in the midfield and i don't think we should revert back to that suicidal 4 -1-4-1 formation.
His importance has only been magnified by his absence, Arsenal lacking any real balance in midfield without Cazorla pulling the strings.
Pioli has found a convincing balance in midfield after several weeks of experimentation and in Federico Chiesa he has a one - in - a-million talent that is capable of tearing any team apart on his day.
MF Claudio Marchisio, 6 — The man to ensure balance in midfield, always doing his duty.
The Dutchman has tried a variety of combinations in an attempt to find balance in midfield, but has been forced to play forward Wayne Rooney out of position in order to do so.
«So it's about getting the right balance in midfield.
Which is very unlikely, because Elneny provides simple game, defensive aspect and balance in the midfield area.
he's perfect there cus he does his job, his job is to keep the balance in the midfield btwn the defence and attack, the job of attacking is for our attackers and AM, box to box midfield your job is to get the ball and make sure your AM has it to distribute so you can cover his ass, and you can cover your DM's ass in our own half of the field.
So, just rotate the guy, and ease him in to the role so that other players can get used to him and keep the balance in the midfield for everything to work.
The return of Carzola means nothing if the balance in midfield is not addressed.
Mick, I reckon it was because England just couldn't get the right balance in midfield.
The last thing we need is to let them take the lead and have something to defend, so a little patience and balance in the midfield would be the thing for me.
I do genuinely think they are running out of steam, mind you my favourites for the title have always been Man City and they are also suffering from some post Christmas blues, especially without Yaya Toure (they have no balance in their midfield with Fernandinho, fernando and Milner, it's way to defensive, they have to mix it up a little.
I never cared much for Ramsey b / c he abandons his partner and more concerned about scoring a goal than maintaining a balance in midfield.
They are very similar which offsets the balance in midfield.
For all the difficulties at the back, the balance in the midfield and a striker who looks capable of scoring also occupy the mind.
The coach has co-ordinated the right balance in midfield.
This worsened the balance in midfield, with only Fernandinho disciplined enough to carry out the necessary defensive work.
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