Sentences with phrase «balance of alleles»

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Our approach differs from that adopted by Charlesworth [61], [62], who developed mathematical models to formalize the mutation accumulation hypothesis [63] that, together with the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis [3], [64], may be used to show how senescence can evolve by the accumulation of deleterious alleles through mutation - selection balance at frequencies that increase with their age of onset; such mutations enhance reproductive performance early in life but diminish survival late in life through physiological trade - offs.
While 90 % of human SNPs have a minor allele frequency (MAF) below 5 % and therefore are hard to be identified as having an effect, the DO population is balanced by its design and rare variants are uncommon (only 2 % SNPs with MAF < 5 %).
Although not balanced in frequency, genetic assessment of the seven STR alleles associated with the DLA class I and II regions showed them to be randomly segregating at this time.
Provision of two EBVs carries the additional possibility of balancing the two traits within breeding pairs (selection of a mate with complimentary EBVs for a breeding animal with substantially different genetic merit for «laxity» and «osteoarthritis») and the possibility of guidelines which aim to preserve alleles protective against osteoarthritic change in response to laxity.
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