Sentences with phrase «balance of payments crisis»

When the Conservatives came to power in 1979, public borrowing stood at around # 8.5 billion, having been supplemented by loans from the International Monetary Fund intended to avert a balance of payments crisis.
During the 1947 balance of payments crisis, The Times ran the headline: «Food cuts, basic petrol to be stopped; rigorous limits on travel abroad; prospect of further economies.»
It won't fix the problem in the long term, because fiscal fetishism, while bafflingly politically popular, does little against what is, at heart, a balance of payments crisis made particularly acute by currency union.
Balance of payment crises are also frequently associated with an unwinding of carry trades, where long positions in higher - yielding emerging market currencies are liquidated resulting in a flight to safety to «safe haven» currencies (i.e., generally developed market currencies or gold).
During a balance of payments crisis — uses an extension option against British speculators.
That remains the elephant in the room... if our foreign creditors finally balk at the never ending stream of debt they are expected to absorb, the consequences for Treasuries and the Dollar will be devastating as the financial crisis evolves into a balance of payments crisis.
Instead the UK has a balance of payments crisis building and no realistic way to increase coal production to compensate for North Sea declines in the short term.
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