Sentences with phrase «balance of the time»

Finding the right balance of both timing and tone takes time and experience.
This schedule is exhausting and really demands the best balance of my time as possible, but I believe that this sacrifice will benefit my future in the long run.
Bringing any business idea to life is a careful balance of timing.
This means ensuring that «everyone involved has a fair balance of time with loved ones so nobody feels cheated, whether that means splitting the day fairly between different households or splitting the holidays in the year, fairly.»
I took JoAnn's advice when it came to the preparation and pricing of our property with the goal of striking the best possible balance of time and money.
For me, it was just the right balance of time - saving tips, techniques for figuring out your own priorities, and specific advice about schools, holidays and birthdays, vacations, chores, allowance, and all the other minutae of parenting.
The executives at Fortune's conference, which runs through Wednesday morning, will spend the balance of their time exploring these critical topics.
During the 2015 - 2016 academic year, I chaired the Government of Alberta's Climate Change Leadership Panel, for which I was compensated by the government for 30 days of work with the balance of my time commitment (at least 34 additional days) being covered by a release from the Dean of the Alberta School of Business.
He spends the balance of his time at the team's practice facility rehabbing his knee.
He works 40 hours a week at the Bridgestone / Firestone tire plant up the road in Bloomington, Ill., and spends the balance of his time running the Sean Riggins Foundation for Substance Free Schools.
For the balance of the time Andrew Cuomo has been in office, Democrats have had at least one lever of power in the federal government.
Psychologists have studied this effect and determined that most decisions are made within the first 5 to 10 minutes, and the balance of the time is used to bolster or test this impression.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I yield back the balance of my time.
40 minutes of science and technology, with the balance of time devoted to inquiry — in other words, being a scientist and doing science
The balance of their time is spent in professional development, planning, and collaboration with colleagues.
The parents or guardians, for the most part, live with that student the balance of the time.
The entire time spent at the dealer was about 5 hours, which included an hour and 1/2 for looking and a test drive, and the balance of time spent doing all paperwork.
It is a balance of time decay (which is really fast) and trading cost including both commissions and spread.
The kibble has a balance of time - released carbohydrates and starches, for a low glycemic index with limited glucose.
Each of our itineraries also includes a balance of time for you to spend at leisure - perhaps by relaxing in a local café, or following the advice of your Tour Manager for an «ad hoc» visit to somewhere memorable.
I have only «played» about an hour or so of the game, but that ends up really representing less than 10 minutes of actual gameplay, and the balance of that time is just watching cutscenes, which is way too much.
Each student drives for 50 minutes of the lesson, and observes his / her partner for the balance of the time.
Every healthy relationship has a balance of time spent together and time apart.
There are other important topics too: dynamics in the families you grew up in, the balance of time spent together and apart, how your personalities compliment each other, and goals for yourselves as individuals and as a couple.
Good due diligence takes time, and it is this balance of time vs. client risk that needs to be understood and discussed.
This is a group workshop so as so to maintain a balance of my time among all students - the scope of your project needs to be within the duration of the class.
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