Sentences with phrase «balanced outlook»

2.4 In addition to their environmental benefits, the scenarios also show a more balanced outlook for oil markets.
In this week's blog I examine the state of the current Canadian household income and balance sheet, and try to express a more balanced outlook for the average Canadian and our economy.
And I'm glad you go to other places to get a more balanced outlook.
Fostering a healthy, constructive learning community will require balancing these outlooks, and giving both groups opportunities to reflect on their learning, troubleshoot challenges, and identify applications for what they have learned, and still need to learn.
I consequently find it almost impossible to approach a film that I'm aware is high on Christian content with a balanced outlook.
This balanced outlook is just what is needed.
Offer a balanced outlook by acknowledging the challenges of moving, but also recognizing that a new school may offer exciting new opportunities.
This was a brilliant article and showed a balanced outlook.
It is important to keep a balanced outlook as this medication is very effective in what it is does and can provide many months of excellent life quality to patients who would otherwise have died.
What they should really be doing is something like the AALL guidelines, to make sure there is enough information available to support a balanced outlook.
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