Sentences with phrase «ban on abortion»

For one, the judge allowed a «fetal pain» ban on abortions after 20 weeks to stand.
The congressional bans on abortion funding impose a particular religious or moral viewpoint on those women who rely on government - funded health care.
Suppose a state wants to go all the way and passes a complete ban on abortion.
Since that ruling, states have not been able to enforce bans on all abortions.
So a complete ban on abortion would not achieve what I want.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has signed a petition calling for a total ban on abortion in... More
Mark, you can not impose an absolute ban on abortion because then you deny the (presumed) minority of their chance to abort due to r - ape, threats to the life of the mother, etc..
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved today a provision that would lift the total ban on abortion coverage for Peace Corps Volunteers in the bill that funds U.S. foreign affairs.
Obama rescinded the ban on federal funds for overseas abortion providers and signed a healthcare law that many conservatives say subsidizes abortion, though the law's supporters say it respects the federal ban on abortion funding.
(UPDATED) Federal judge blocks North Dakota's new ban on abortions after as few as six weeks of pregnancy.
Some staged a mass walk out of a church service in Gdansk as a priest read out a letter in favour of a proposed ban on abortion.
Anti- choice organizations have tried to erode the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision (which ensures a woman's constitutionally protected right to choose) by advancing vaguely worded and deceptive bans on abortion procedures without an exception for the health of the woman.
Congress is preparing to vote on a bill that would impose a nationwide ban on abortion at 20 weeks.
In the Press this was hailed as «Catholic hospital orders ban on abortion referrals» (Daily Telegraph), (etc. etc)... and finally in the Catholic Herald a leader appeared entitled «A Catholic hospital is saved» which went on to say «But the fact remains that, at last, an important Catholic institution in this country has managed to resist the pressure of secularisation — thanks, in part, to the leadership of the Cardinal».
Despite her famous 13 - hour filibuster last year against new abortion legislation in Texas, Sen. Wendy Davis says she actually supports a 20 - week ban on abortion.
Plus, talking up religious liberty is likely less of a turnoff for moderate voters than is talk about bans on abortion and gay marriage, traditionally the top concerns of religious conservatives.
This fact is something the Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo is wilfully ignoring in her support for an all - out ban on abortion.
From the 20 - week nationwide ban on abortion introduced by Arizona Congressman Trent Franks to the extreme Iowa bill forcing the Governor to certify when an abortion is «medically necessary», women's health is under attack.
Pope Pius» ban on abortion in 1869 was supposedly done in an effort to counteract the spread of contraception and also as a result of the new scientific understanding of when, where and how fertilization takes place.
Chad: But the problem arises when you try to apply your ABSOLUTE ban on abortion.
The Roman Catholic Church in Poland has launched a campaign for a total ban on abortion and the prime minister has given it her backing.
As Jonathan Last noted in his review of Unnatural Selection, «Ms. Hvistendahl identifies a ban on abortion» and not the killing of tens of millions of unborn girls» as the «worst nightmare» of feminism.»
Furthermore, as I became more involved in the feminist conversation (some feminists are pro-life, of course, but many are pro-choice), I began to understand some of the arguments against the criminalization of abortion, like that banning abortion does not necessarily reduce the abortion rate, that enforcing a ban on all abortions would be impossible, and that women would likely seek out abortions through unsafe, illegal procedures anyway.
On the flip - side, a Marist poll found that only 21 percent of Democrats favor legal abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy, and 56 percent support or strongly support a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.
CNN Polling Director Keating Holland had this to say about the findings: «Only a minority of the rank - and - file members of both [Republicans and Democrats] take an extreme position on the issue, with just 31 % of Republicans calling for a complete ban on abortion and just 32 % of Democrats saying that abortion should be legal in all circumstances»...
A good example is that of physicians in United States military hospitals abroad who announced their refusal to perform elective abortions when President Clinton issued an executive order lifting the ban on these abortions in such hospitals.
There are secular philosophers who have attempted to derive a principled grounding for an absolute ban on abortion, but they are contradicted by other philosophers.
Of particular note, North Dakota, relying on AUL model language, became the first state to enact a ban on abortions performed for genetic abnormalities.
Solomon does not call for a ban on abortion, but he does insist that «preventing births of any subclass of people devalues them.
The loophole allowed so - called «therapeutic» abortion in a completely undefined way.Popular support for a ban on abortion was shown when an estimated 200,000 people marched in the country's capital, Managua, to demand that unborn children be fully protected.
A survey in January found that just seven per cent support a ban on abortion — the lowest that figure has ever been.
With this sort of judicial conservatism, the new administration may seek constitutional amendments to enshrine a ban on abortion or to revise the 14th Amendment to remove birth - right citizenship.
He now advocates an absolute ban on abortion, even in the case of rape or endangerment of the mother.
Life — The Omnibus maintains all existing pro-life policy and funding provisions that have been carried in Appropriations legislation in previous years, including the Hyde Amendment, a ban on public funding for abortions in the District of Columbia, and a ban on abortion funding for federal prisoners.
These five states join Nebraska, which adopted a ban on abortions after 20 weeks in 2010 (see State Policies on Later Abortions).
A ban on abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy in North Carolina that only permitted access to abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy under an extremely narrow medical emergency exception.
Women in Kentucky already face too many barriers to obtaining abortion care, and if the last clinic is closed it would amount to a ban on abortion in the entire state.»
Yet extreme bans on abortion continue to arise in state legislatures, including bans on abortion at just six weeks of pregnancy.
«Now, we must hold our new president - elect accountable for his promises to defund Planned Parenthood,» as well as pass a ban on abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy and appoint antiabortion judges, he said.
When asked how a ban on abortion would actually work, Trump admitted women would go to back alleys:
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