Sentences with phrase «band around my position»

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When the stock consistently trades at or around the upper band, traders may consider waiting for a breakout above the band or for the stock to fall back toward the moving average to establish a new position.
Instead of a back closure, the bra has snaps around the front of the band that can be snapped at various positions to either decrease or increase the band size.
In this new study, geomorphologists Sylvain Bouley (Université Paris - Sud) and David Baratoux (Université Toulouse III — Paul Sabatier) show for the first time that the rivers were originally distributed along a south tropical band on a planet Mars that rotated around poles shifted by about 20 degrees with respect to their current positions.
Targets: Abs, glutes How to: Place the resistance band around your ankles and get into push - up position with your hands shoulder - width apart, and hips lifted and aligned with your back (a).
Starting Position: Anchor a resistance band around something that is solid and stationary.
Starting Position: Position a resistance band around a sturdy object so that is about the height of your hand.
A number of carefully selected stations will be positioned around the facility using a variety of equipment which may include barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, stability equipment, benches, skipping ropes and mats.
In between sets, either from the seated position in a machine or even better the standing cable stack or resistance bands, walk around and burn more calories.
Substitute lateral shuffles, down in defensive basketball position, for Football Sprints (you can also add your 12 inch band around your ankles for this drill).
Starting Position: Hook the resistance band or tubing around a stationary object.
To do this, anchor a band around a sturdy object in front of you and hen position yourself with the ball under the torso.
One of my favorites to train hip and knee stabilization is the Single Leg Standing Isometric where you add band tension around the working leg making the hip and knee muscles contract and work harder to maintain a stable position.
When performing a Banded Good Morning, position a jump stretch band (42 ″ loop) around the upper back and behind the shoulders.
Hang a band from a bar above you and position the band looped around your chest so it is directly below the anchor point when you are in the push - up position.
You may require a partner to assist you to place the band around your feet as you attempt to enter the flag position.
Walk back, creating tension on the band and kneel down (knee with band around leg is down) into a lunge position.
I buy and sell positions to maintain their weights in the portfolio, within a 20 % band around the intended weight.
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