Sentences with word «banlieues»

The sitter for this beautiful portrait by Modigliani was Georges Menier, who lived in Lognes, a pretty town in the eastern banlieue of Paris of which he was the mayor.
In 2008, Nadir Dendoune reached the summit of Everest, and held up a handwritten sign - «93» in tribute to the Parisian banlieue where he grew up.
In November 2005, riots spread throughout the suburbs of Paris following the accidental deaths of two teenagers in the poor banlieue district of Clichy - sous - Bois.
Don't think we have such a thing as a whole food market out here en banlieue, but I'll look in one of those Maghreb epiceries — I bet I'll find it there.
Mathieu Kassovitz took the film world by storm with La haine, a gritty, unsettling, and visually explosive look at the racial and cultural volatility in modern - day France, specifically the low - income banlieue districts on Paris's outskirts.
This year's winner, Divines, written and directed by French - Moroccan filmmaker Houda Benyamina, rivals Girlhood as a portrait of combustible banlieue femininity, emanating raw energy and scrappy good humor even as it builds to an unexpectedly tragic and horrifying finale.
The title translates as «dodging,» which is what Kechiche himself pulls off to avoid the two great stumbling blocks of the film - banlieue genre — the well - meaning Tavernier vein and the modish La Haine approach.
So his life unravels as he finds himself tied up with a ghoulish gang of banlieue hoods (Amélie this is not) and, more erotically, Kristin Scott Thomas» femme fatale and limpid Polish waitress Joanna Kulig.
And to share that passion, it has created playful illustrated paper cutout models of Brutalist buildings in London; modernist buildings in Warsaw; and a new series, Paris Brut, featuring Brutalist architecture from the 1950s — 70s located in the city center and outlying banlieues.
The piece is consequently entitled HLM, after the subsidized housing complexes in the French banlieue.
As the concrete council blocks of inner - city London and the towers of the Parisian banlieues began to go up, many of Japan's architects chose to experiment with pre-fabrication for individual houses instead, applying functionalist and modern techniques to traditional Heian - and Edo - period wood and bamboo designs.
«It's in the suburbs [the Parisian banlieue] that there is vitality, deception, depression, energy, utopia, autonomy, craziness, creativity, destruction, ideas, young people, hope, fights to be fought, audaciousness, disagreements, problems, and dreams.
Mohamed Bourouissa began his breakout series «Périphérique,» 2005 — 2009, after the riots that famously engulfed banlieues across France.
Born in Algeria, Mohamed Bourouissa began his career by documenting his friends in Paris's suburban banlieues and staging photographs that express the tension of marginalized populations.
Has any tiny area, a banlieue of only 24,000 people, produced as many footballers?
Thus when riots took place in 2005 the alienated youth of the banlieues demanded jobs, fairness, and decent housing — not respect for Islam or Palestinian rights.
The banlieues have been a breeding ground for deep frustration, maintaining a distinctly poor and marginalized status for decades.
In October 2005, two North African teenagers died of electrocution in one of the banlieues of Paris as they were running from the police through a dangerous power substation.
Outside the centre, in the banlieues, a bountiful multicultural mix thrives, but without material wealth, or the opportunity to gain it, and without representation, either in the media or politics.
The banlieues - ghettos or suburbs depending on your inclination - rose up in rebellion a few years ago, but that was just a fiery demonstration of the deep resentment in French society.
Both Mathieu Kassovitz and Karel Reisz are interested in the social conditions which could have produced their leading men, whether it's the banlieues of Paris or the post-war streets of Nottingham.
In 2005, his sophomore effort L'esquive — a raw, direct exploration of teenage sexual politics in the banlieues (the French suburban hoods) by way of eighteenth century playwright Marivaux - unexpectedly trumped critical favorite Kings and Queen and populist heavyweights A Very Long Engagement and Oscar nominee The Chorus at the César Awards, winning Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay.
L'Esquive (Abdellatif Kechiche, France) A confrontation between two languages: the argot of kids from the banlieues vs. the French of Marivaux.
He is particularly interested in the notion of mapping, and will revisit the representation of the banlieues of Paris, and their politically charged signifiers.
Attia's work explores the impact of Western cultural and political capitalism on the Middle East and North Africa, and considers how this residual strain of struggle and resistance to colonisation affects Arab youth, particularly those living in the banlieues (suburbs) of France.
The latest series features buildings scattered around the arrondissements in the City of Paris, as well as the famous suburban «banlieues».
Son of a Franco - Russian father (an architect) and an Afro - Brazilian mother, Mr. Peskine holds a bachelor of fine arts degree from Howard University and a master's from the Maryland Institute College of Art, which set him distinctly apart from the working - class youth in the banlieue, or suburb.
By representing the viewpoint, lived experience, and urban milieu of the banlieues» residents, Bourouissa's depictions of and from the periphery did not
Beyond the boundaries... Paris art in the banlieue Photograph: Danielle Voirin Nice article over at The Guardian from FAD's friends IVYParis find the real Paris art scene check it here
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