Sentences with phrase «baptized at»

A Jew by birth, Schendel's mother had her daughter baptized at the Church of St Peter and Paul, raising her in Milan as a Roman Catholic where she studied art and philosophy.
Our children were baptized at Maluaka beach and we were married at Keawala'i church... as you can see, we really love it and are so happy to share our home with you.
In fact, the Forward reported in 1998 that Schneiderman's mother had converted to Christianity and that Schneiderman himself was baptized at St. George's Cathedral, an Episcopal church on 16th Street.
The age of thirty was eventually requisite for becoming a presbyter, and the Council of Neocaesarea (c. 315) adduced as the reason that «our Lord was baptized at the age of thirty and then began to preach.»
The same pastor who baptized me at the age of 32, and whose message of you can «Belong before you Believe» — was so encouraging and refreshing alas is but a man with the gift of gab and an incredible woo - factor.
From reading John, one would never know that Jesus had been baptized at all.
Nobody should dare to keep a concrete sin and to get baptized at the same time.
It would by a nonsense, if and adulterer would like to keep on committing adultery and to get baptized at the same time.
If a person is baptized at all (more on that later), it is simply one of the many steps in a very long process.
Jewish people, remember, were baptized at least once a year.
The woman I saw baptized at Servant King is Jon Stock's niece.
I was baptized at Saint Dom's, had my first communion there, I was confirmed there and went to school there in the 60's.
Can you now see why, in an earlier day, the church always baptized at Easter?
I wish we still baptized at Easter.
The Fourth Gospel says (Jn 1:28) that John baptized at «Bethany beyond the Jordan.»
He committed to follow Christ when he was baptized at 8 years of age.
XAV — «Christ himself was baptized to show us that we all need baptism, even he needed baptism not because he was sinful or needed sins removed but to give us an example of what we need to do on this earth, and not only did he get baptized but he did it at the hands of john the baptist who held the authority to baptize at that time.»
In the Latter - day Saint church nobody can be baptized before the age of 8 as apposed to baptizing at birth.
Meanwhile John was baptizing at Aenon; and the evangelist adds «For John had not yet been put in prison» (vv 22 - 24).
Among other things, he stumbled twice over the names of the small group of people he was baptizing at the service.

Not exact matches

This chapter shows how Paul was trying to convince the Corinthians that the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually occured... in his support, he said in verse 29, «Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
They have to be interviewed to make sure that this is their decision and not their parents although at times people of all ages do get baptized for the wrong reason be they 8 or 58.
Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
1 Corinthians 15:29 / Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
Joseph, at age 8 a child is told by their parents that they'll be baptized.
«Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the dead».
At 8, after his parents converted, he was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints, a faith he embraced.
To wed at the National Cathedral, one member of the couple must be baptized into the Church, and both must commit to a Christian marriage of «lifelong faithfulness, love, forbearance and mutual comfort.»
How could all three be the all one God but be in 3 different places at one, with the God speaking from heaven, the holy spirit on its way descending from heaven, and the Son on earth being baptized?
Or did you learn in in the «Sacred Ritual» at the Temple where you baptize the dead and claim Lucifer freed humanity.
Some Evangelicals I taught were baptized LDS, and others weren't, but at least most of them had an open mind and were willing to look beyond the world they were born into.
«Most of the baptized have an image of the church that, on the one hand, is family friendly in its attitude, whilst at the same time considering her sexual morality to be unrealistic,» the German bishops said, according to National Catholic Reporter.
Try reading 1 Corinthians 15:29 (Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
I've met some nice ones, but maybe they were baptizing Hitler at midnight in their cellars.
Its social, political and economic analyses are often admittedly Marxist, but I found no one among its leadership, at least in Nicaragua, who wished to baptize Marxism or to merge Christianity and communism.
The previous week, at the congregation's monthly baptism service, 173 were baptized.
We suspect that much of the difficulty of current church life, and our corresponding theology, is that we have not paid serious attention to how hard it is rightly to understand the common things we do as Christians — such as pray, baptize, eat meals, rejoice at birth, grieve at illness and death, reroof church buildings.
Asked at a pastoral conference whether a child not baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit could be saved, he quipped that «the baby would be saved but the pastor would surely go to hell.»
Chandler offered his bathtub instead, and at 3AM, he and his wife watched as Lentz baptized the Canadian singer.
Imagine several hundred people striding down to the river to be baptized, all at one go.
Even John the Baptist seems to have forgotten all that happened at Jesus» baptism, including his own words of testimony that the person he baptized was far greater than he, one whose sandals he was not worthy to unloose.
I was baptized by a Japanese Methodist bishop, and I joined a Southern Methodist church in Georgia at the age of seven.
Born at Tagaste (Algeria) of a pagan father and a Christian mother, Monica, Augustine was brought up as a Christian but not baptized
In some liturgies the whole congregation places itself at the disposal of those being baptized, confirmed, married and ordained by taking vows to support these persons in their new life and ministry.
Weeks before, I had agreed to baptize the Lewises» baby in New Haven that afternoon, and the following day had to preach at our regular Sunday service.
Was baptized in a river at the age of 30, and his baptizer was later beheaded.
This is by no means Mormons doing baptizing for deceased people and saying: «There, now that you are dead and have no choice we are going to offer a baptism for you and you are now a member of our church whether you like it or not» It's not at all like that!
To this day, Canterbury and York are the English archiepiscopal sees and it was at York in 627 that St. Paulinus baptized Edwin, King of Northumbria.
I attend a bible study once a week at a Baptist church and the pastor wants me to get baptized - full immersion.
At the moment a person is saved many things happen to them including their sins are forgiven, they receive the righteousness of Christ, they are spiritually baptized into the body of Christ and are indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.
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