Sentences with phrase «baptized by»

These authors have earned their place after being baptized by fire.
«Well, Miss Leah, this is what we call being baptized by fire,» Brooks said, urging the Arts in Education student to the stage in Askwith Hall, where he and Trisha Yearwood had been fielding questions about their careers, their family life, and their public service.
Instead of being humiliated by the experience, Elle Fanning's character is virtually baptized by the unsettling encounter, and she emerges from it a transformed being.
After being baptized by Jesus, Mary falls in with him and his disciples, including Peter played by Chiwetel Ejiofor.
The true hook line in his profile included information about being baptized by Billy Graham.
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
He was baptized by Mgr.
His argument was; no small child was baptized by Christ and in his messages there is no command to baptize children.
LOL — the church is grasping at straws to keep young people in the church — I wonder how many times the pedophile priests have to post their confessions and how many «Hail Mary's» they have to say — most «Catholics» I know got baptized by their parents and had to go through confirmation classes and get confirmed and then never set foot in church until someone dies or gets married...
The black church is defined not by any or all of the traditionally accepted creeds but by the creed of liberation: the creed that one man does not have the right to oppress another, be the other black or white, baptized by immersion or by sprinkling, fashionably attired or running naked in the jungle.
@Chad,»... the two events whose historicity is subject to «almost universal as sent» are that he was baptized by John the Baptist and [he] was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.»
1) Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
There are eight facts about Jesus and his disciples that enjoy large scholarly consensus, they are: 1) Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
It was a time of revolutionary fervour, and when Jesus of Nazareth, once baptized by John, proclaimed in Galilee the imminent reign of God and then came up to Jerusalem, the high priest Caiaphas and a group of Jewish leaders denounced him to Pilate.
The fact that Jesus was baptized by John does not imply any inferiority, submission or acknowledgement of higher wisdom.
In February of 1891 he was baptized by an Anglican but in September of the same year he became a Roman Catholic.
Christ taught the true doctrine of the Godhead when he suffered himself to be baptized by John.
Although scholars differ on the reconstruction of the specific episodes of the life of Jesus, the two events whose historicity is subject to almost universal assent are that he was baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.
Then he's back to being a Muslim, though he and his kids were Baptized by Rev. Wright.
(2) THE HOLY SPIRIT First we ought to be baptized with water by a mere human being, then we will be baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit (Mk 1:8) «who proceeds from the Father» (Jn 15:26 ESV).
When Romero was about two years old he was baptized by father Cecilio Morales on May 11, 1919.
How is it that Jesus can be baptized by John who proclaims «a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins»?
Religious players are pretty common in the league, but for many of these players, they live out their lives and faiths together — going as far as being baptized by a teammate in the team's recovery pool at the practice facility.
They were not suckled in their infancy by wolves but nursed and baptized by the Church; it instructed them in their youth and has been the companion of their maturity.
So he postponed his baptism until he was on his deathbed and then by historic accident managed to be baptized by one later declared a heretic, thus casting shadows of doubt over his eternal destiny.
So here was a need of Jesus» early followers: to show that Jesus was the Messiah even though he himself was baptized by another man.
Jesus himself was baptized by John (Mark 1:9) and the church claimed that the Risen Christ had commanded the apostles «to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit» (Malt.
There is no question that Jesus was baptized by John.
It was embarrassing because he who baptizes generally has greater authority than he who is baptized, and they had to admit that Jesus was baptized by John, not the other way around.
The trouble started more than six years ago, when a Syrian Muslim man converted to Christianity and asked if he could be baptized by First Presbyterian.
Among others people she discovered had been baptized by proxy is President Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.
When he was baptized by John?
Mormons believe that they may be baptized by proxy for deceased ancestors who never had that opportunity.
It reminds us that both belong to the City of God and therefore to one another because we were baptized by one Spirit.
mat 3:13 - 17 13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.
Those who came to be baptized by John publicly declared in front of the entire crowd that when they entered the water they were part of the corrupt Judaism, but when they came back up out of the water they no longer identified with the corrupt way of doing things, but were now part of the new order of God which would follow and obey Him in righteousness and justice.
One thing I could not understand was, Why would the Son of God be baptized by John?
John was calling the people to turn away from the corruption, and be restored to a new life of faithful obedience to God, and Jesus responded to that call by getting baptized by John in the Jordan River.
We don't know exactly what provokes John's question to Jesus, but this faithful prophet, who once recognized that he needed to be baptized by Jesus, is now face - to - face with his doubts and disappointments.
The fact that John is preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins does not seem to fit with the fact that Jesus, who was sinless, would need to get baptized by John (Matt 3:14 - 15).
When Jesus came to be baptized by John in the Jordan, He was making a public declaration about which type of Judaism He thought was best.
proxy baptisms are only for deceased people, so how could you have been baptized by proxy?
I was baptized by a Roman Catholic priest as an infant.
By the way Dr. Martin Luther the great German Reformer also was baptized by a Catholic priest and never got baptized, again, although he rejected papacy.
After a Syrian Muslim man converted to Christianity, he asked to be baptized by First Presbyterian Church in Tulsa.
When they came to be baptized by John in the Jordan, they were turning away from the corrupt forms of religious Judaism, and turning to a new way of living according to the loving and forgiving ways of God.
An apostle had to be someone who had been with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry, when he was baptized by John, and could now witness to his resurrection.
It was, instead, something new and unheard of — otherwise John would not be called the «Baptist»; it was something connected with his own person — otherwise one would not have had himself «baptized by him.»
They didn't think they were sinning, and they didn't think that wrath was coming, and yet they came to be baptized by John.
In this same chapter, Simon (the sorcerer) believed and followed Phillip and was baptized by water... yet he was rebuked by Peter, in much the same way that Jesus rebukes the church in Laodicia, for thinking he could buy the gifts of the Spirit with money.
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