Sentences with phrase «bar off your chest»

The following Saturday he joined his dad at the gym, determined to push that bar off his chest.
Tips: Do not bounce the bar off your chest as this can lead to injury.
He was the first man to bench 600 lbs (with a 2 - second pause on the chest, even arm extension and no bouncing the bar off the chest!)
Push the bar off your chest as fast as possible, letting it go at the top.As you catch it on its descent, immediately move into the next rep by bringing the bar to your chest and exploding back up.
Inhale deeply while lowering the bar, inflating your chest as much as possible.This will shorten the distance the bar has to pass and increase your torso stability.As you press the bar off your chest don't immediately blow out all your air.
You can use this info to self - diagnose any form problems... such as figuring out that bouncing a 300 lb bar off your chest is a bad thing.
Don't bounce the bar off your chest; lower it in a controlled fashion, but then explosively lift it back up
And when I say crank, I mean CRANK... don't bounce the bar off your chest or anything but you must quite simply EXPLODE out of the bottom of every single rep...

Not exact matches

He rattled a shot off the cross bar from a Giroud chest - down, and polished his performance off with a brilliantly struck goal from outside the box.
This is performed by pressing dead weight off your chest, with no eccentric portion, which ensures that you can't use built - up elastic energy to help push the bar up — you're forced to rely only on your musculature.
To keep the tension on the pecs and off of the joints and connective tissue you can stop the bar 2 - 3 inches off your chest.
What happens is as you lower the weight to your chest, the bands stretch — taking some of the load off the bar.
Similar to flat bench, raise the bar off the rack and slowly lower it towards your chest with a shoulder width grip.
It's time to flip that bar off your back, put it onto your upper chest and dial in on those quads.
If one week, you get 5 reps of bench, and the bar doesn't come off your chest, and the next week, you get the bar half way up before momentum stops, guess what?
The upper back also plays a major role in the initial range of motion where the bar goes off your chest.
Stand up, lifting the bar off the floor while simultaneously exploding your hips forward into the bar and using your arms to pull the bar to your right shoulder so that the end of the barbell ends up in front of your chest and your elbows are underneath it.
Prepare yourself mentally before you approach the bench, don't linger too long on he bench either sitting or in the pressing position, take a firm, tensed hand - off, lower the bar with controlled determination and explode off the chest, fighting all the way to the lockout.
Pushing backwards into the bench top with the back of the head comes with the explosion off the chest, with the eyes (if open) following the bar's progress.
The breath should be held as the bar is lowered to the chest, and kept held during the initial press off the chest.
Keep your chest up and back straight as you pull the bar off the floor by fully extending your hips.
Squeeze the bar off the ground by leading with your chest and driving your feet down through the ground
You will also observe terrible exercise form used in the exercises, such as barbells swinging with arched backs in the barbell curl, bars being bounced off the chest during bench presses and rapid downward movement in the barbell squat.
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