Sentences with phrase «bar on one's back»

The light bar on the back of the tablet shows your battery level if you knock on it.
The best part is it has one long bar on the back, with is so nice when you have a double stroller.
A folding towel bar on the back of the chair allows you to easily dry your towels and wet clothes.
Return the seat to a fully upright position by squeezing the release bar on the back of the seat while pushing the seat back into the desired position.
Stand with feet shoulder - width apart, core engaged, and a loaded barbell or a heavy body bar on your back just below your neck (A).
The only hint that it's a Google product is the small light bar on the back of the tablet, which glows Google's logo colors.
If the female lives among yellow - throated males, giving her eggs an extra dose gives her yellow progeny of both sexes vibrant bars on their backs.
The video shows one end of a tow rope being attached to a tow bar on the back of a red Ferrari LaFerrari, with the other end attached to a frame - mounted tow bar on a KTM 1290 Super Duke R.
Amazon has also done away with the big black bar on the back of it, going for a more minimalist look.
To add to the immersive quality wanted in Dead Space, the game developers sought to «innovate on the HUD / UI to aid with player immersion — hence the health bar on his back and the ammo counter on the gun,» Shofield says.
You may have noticed underride bars on the back of tractor trailers.
The difference here is that instead of a second or two, you pause 30 seconds with a heavy bar on your back, before you go back up again.
The Pixel C would look and feel just like the Chromebook Pixel, which means it's likely to feature a metal design with the same light bar on the back that indicates the device's battery level.
The light bar on the back of the DualShock 4 can change patterns, for example indicating when a player has low health.
Looking for a secure place to place the bar is understandable, but instead of shrugging, try creating a «shelf» for the bar on your back by tightening it up, pressing your shoulders down and exploding your lats up.
You know that little movement you do in the squat rack with the bar on your back — the one where you load the bar and only sink down 3 inches — well I have news for you.
And if there is any reason why you can not do the squats with a bar on your back, a great alternative is to do them holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Over the years I've seen a lot of guys go in the gym and load up the bar and squat, but if you ask them to squat without a bar on their back it's nearly impossible.
Squats: complete 4 sets x 8 - 10 reps: Go to a squat rack and position the bar on the back of your shoulders.
This is a good exercise if you notice your arms fall forward when you do squats with your arms overhead or if it's hard for you to holding the bar on your back for barbell back squats.
What's worse, every time you place a bar on your back and fight past the point of fatigue, it comes with a cost — and that cost is usually a pissed - off lower back that limits the rest of your training day and has you staggering through life for days afterward.
A bar on your back with your feet shoulder - width apart?
Yes, you have the bar on your back or better neck.
With barbell on rack at chest height, step under the bar and position the bar on your back.
Well, that bar on the back side, I'm not hitting my head on it.
By squatting, be it with a bar on your back or KB in your hands, you will get a full body work out.
If it's too easy, try a goblet squat or, if you feel you're ready for it, squat with a bar on your back.
Two options: Get inside the smith machine (don't worry, we won't laugh), put the bar on your back and stand on a 4 - inch block.
How low you can keep the bar on your back without it sliding off will depend on how much mass you have in your traps and rear delts.
It's a subtle, unassuming device, wrapped in anodized aluminum with nothing more than a camera and the Pixel line's famous light bar on the back.
The horizontal light bar on the back that glows with a rainbow when it's on is still the most prominent sign that you're using a Chromebook instead of a prop from an avant garde sci - fi movie.
The light bar on the back of the controller now shines through the touchpad on the controller's face, so battery life indicators and other uses for the light bar (check out a list here that includes game - specific functions) will be easier to read.
Instead of the normal «scissors» or «straddle» technique, as he did his run at the high bar, he turned his back on the bar and literally flew over the bar on his back, inventing what is now called the Fosbury Flop.
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