Sentences with phrase «barbaric act»

«These are incredibly serious allegations of complicity in barbaric acts of torture and breaches of international law.
Most Americans vividly remember that nearly all of the international Muslim community and the American based Muslim community did not have the guts or the degree of decency to publicly renounce the terrorist acts of 9 - 11, as well as other barbaric acts of terrorism — such as beheading of American citizens and soldiers.
Which of the following is the most barbaric act imaginable, that only a sick psychopath would condone?
While appealing to president Muhammadu Buhari to wade into the alleged barbaric acts of the military on the hapless students and lecturers, the union leader called for caution in using the military in a civil or students protest, stressing that the police which is constitutionally empowered should be used in civil matters to prevent loss of lives of the innocent future leaders.
Arikora also challenged security agents to carry out proper investigation on the recent barbaric act whereby Chief Agbaso allegedly broke into the party's national secretariat to vandalize its documents.
We have personally witnessed many barbaric acts and are committed to the fight to help these dogs.
In what can only be described as an utterly barbaric act, 53 sea lions were found dead earlier this week in the Galapagos Islands, their heads apparently bashed in.
In his speech on Tuesday, the Pope said Christians and other minorities had been subjected to «barbaric acts of violence».
These barbaric acts can make us feel helpless, fearful, angry, and even guilty, because there seems to be little we can do to stop them.
So, whatever else one might think of the Bible, one must accept that it condoned slavery, set rules for its practice, supported the $ ex trade and allowed the barbaric act of beating slaves who «misbehaved.»
If God had prevented that particular soldier's barbaric act, so that that mother would have been able to raise her darling baby instead of living the rest of her life with the memory of its murder, the «overall balance of good and evil in [her] world» would have been greatly affected.
We, members of the Voice of the Nation believe that every life lost through this barbaric acts would have justice regardless of his or her status in society.
We have agreed to co-operate closely in responding to this barbaric act and to co-ordinate our efforts to stand up for the rules based international order which Russia seeks to undermine.
«We therefore condemn in totality this barbaric act of cruelty against humanity and demand a clear action by the Federal Government under the leadership of President Muhammad Buhari to protect all our members and their resources as bona fide citizens of the country.
Sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of #ericholder & #mayordeblasio.
Former New York Gov. George Pataki tweeted: «Sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of #ericholder & #mayordeblasio.
This is a new low never witnessed in our country and all lovers of justice, democracy and decency must condemn this barbaric act
Captain Mahama's brutal murder has brought dark clouds across the country with some calling for a speedy prosecution of those found guilty of the barbaric act.
And former New York governor George Pataki, responding to the shootings via Twitter, said that he was «sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric» of Holder and de Blasio.
The statement read, «On behalf of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Buhari sends his most sincere condolences to the families and friends of victims of the barbaric act.
All these atrocities have taken place yet up until today not ONE person has been arrested, brought to justice or convicted for these merciless, wicked, senseless and barbaric acts of terror.
He said, «It was much unexpected from any quarter that such a barbaric act should rear its ugly head in 2016 when we thought all acts of hooliganism have been thrown into the dustbin of history.
The barbaric acts of cruelty that radical groups engage in, such as suicide bombings and decapitations, further destroy a recruit's sense of humanity.
The person assigned to carry out this barbaric act is Wehrmacht commander of Greater Paris, General Dietrich von Choltitz (Niels Arestrup), who already has mines planted on the Eiffel Tower, in the Louvre and Notre Dame and on the bridges over the Seine.
The person assigned to carry out this barbaric act is Wehrmacht commander of Greater Paris, General Dietrich von Choltitz (Niels Arestrup), who already has
After this barbaric act, it's pretty tricky to empathise with Clooney's sullen «anti-hero».
They are slowly becoming reacquainted after Amanda committed a barbaric act (alluded to by the title) and was ostracized for it.
That any culture could practise such savage and barbaric acts must dismay the more moderate of its members, and the greater human society as a whole.
Robison described the move as «a barbaric act» and has voiced support for a campaign to save the subject.
The ship's doctor (Kemp's hated cousin) rebelled against this barbaric act, there was a mutiny, and some of the surviving crew made it to Florida with the remaining Africans, where they lived in a shared society in what sounds like an egalitarian tropical paradise.
I am disgusted and saddened by these representatives and senators that condone the barbaric act that is horse slaughter.
His extreme difficulty in coming to terms with his involvement in the barbaric acts of the Nazis had huge repercussions on the rest of his life and shaped the direction of his art career.
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