Sentences with phrase «bare tree limbs»

Not exact matches

Teenagers climbed on each other's shoulders to reach the bare limbs of trees, where they climbed higher.
There's never been a winter where a spring didn't follow and no matter how many tree limbs grow bare, they always bloom a few months later.
I cut a large tree with bare limbs from a piece of brown.
But several years ago, foresters began noticing that the crowns of the big trees appeared unhealthy, with bare limbs and little new growth.
«Flags floated over the City Hall,» wrote a New York Times reporter who was there that night, and «small boys festooned the bare limbs of the trees; calcium lights...
On those greyest of gloomiest days, I look outside my kitchen window and see the dark, gnarled and sculptural bare limbs of a century old tree, and I am grateful for the beauty it provides amid the dreariness and for the warm nest from which I admire it.
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