Sentences with phrase «barking sounds»

After monitoring dogs» reactions to their shows, Levi and his team found that the dogs «weren't too happy about the barking sounds
While you may not hear a «Neos» barking sounds very often, you will hear snorting, grunting, and flatulence quiet often.
It gets your dog's attention by emitting barking sounds, so you can get that perfect picture.
Some of the dog barking sounds signal discomfort.
The Mayor often exchanged barking sounds with Trooper in playful communication.
If his barking sounds like an alarm (sharp, rapid) and his body posture is erect and targeted at something, he may be guarding.
The cheapest option, «Outdoor Base» at $ 240, includes an Echo Dot, smart outdoor and indoor lighting, and a waterproof speaker, and allows you to have lights and the speaker simulate someone being home even while you're away — including having Alexa «play music or dog barking sounds
This bark sounds delicious — kind of like a healthier Crunch bar!
I didn't make any candy this year (well, aside from Karen's recipe), that bark sounds fabulous!
Cold air can help to relax the airways, therefore, whenever you notice your child making a barking sound, then; carry him outside for a refreshing breath.
In dogs, by contrast, the larynx is almost even with the mouth, severely limiting their ability to control how the bark sounds.
On its way up through the gears on full - throttle, an ignition cut function creates a barking sound from the cavernous central exhaust housing, which sounds pretty cool.
As soon as Kaidanov unlocked the front door of the building the rhesus monkeys started making that half - cooing, half - barking sound that set his nerves on edge.
Question: My dog's bark sounds hoarse.
No matter how threatening his barks sound, the Chihuahua is a toy dog.
I took him to vet because his breathing has changed he pants at the slightest exertion, after a walk it takes at least 30 min for him to stop panting and his bark sounds hoarse.
Their entire outlook is that of friendliness and playfulness — even when they bark they sound friendly and inviting.
The dog barking sound triggers a burst of citronella which dogs do not like.
His Cough Sounds Like A Barking Sound Almost Like He Has A Hair Ball.
While some dog barking sound can be a source of serious concern.
For instance, a dog's bark sounds different when he wants to play as compared to when he wants to come in from the yard.
Features: 10 combinations of vibration correction Perfect Bark sound and vibration sensors - only your dog...
Surgical canine debarking can be performed by removing the tissues from the sides of the vocal cord or larynx, resulting in a reduced pitch and decreased level of the barking sound.
They live their entire lives in that dark barn, and when the farmer went in there, the barking sounded almost like screams.
The barking sound will still be audible but will be more like a whisper.
Special Thanks: The Art21 Board of Trustees; Michael Ashburn; Amy Baumann; Travis Call; Pat Casteel and Steve Wylie; Ginger Cofield; Ralph Cuccurullo; Jon Dawe; Dog Bark Sound; Kym Elphinstone; Frame: Runner, NYC; Thomas Harris; Tom Heman; Naotaka Hiro; Rachel Kent; Angela Kunicky; Mark Lan; Margaret Lee; Sheila Lynch; The McCarthy family; Craig McIntyre; Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center Thrift Shop; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; The National Gallery of Victoria, Sydney; Paul McCarthy Studio, Los Angeles; Christopher Rawson; Andre Ribuoli; Ann - Marie Rounkle; Susan Schneider; Keith Shapiro; Skarstedt Gallery, New York; Leily Soleimani; Jessica Sonders; Sound Lounge; Lauri Stern; Jacobine Van Der Meer; Kara Vander Weg; Tony Volante; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; James Woodward; & John Wyver.

Not exact matches

Napping may sound so simple an infant could excel at it, but according to an infographic from The Boston Globe, optimizing your afternoon sleep actually requires a bit of know - how (hat tip to Barking up the Wrong Tree for the pointer).
The responses, and Moore's responses to the responses, vary from sounds that approximate, variously, a seal bark, a warthog growl, a foghorn, and, most frequently and rather loudly, «hoo - rah.»
You can bark all day long about dragons and fart monkey's but you just sound like an idiot trying to sound smart.
A baby crying, a dog barking, a child laughing, a bird chirping, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, and silence... That is what God sounds like.
«The most welcome sound to a walk - on is a coach barking at him,» says Mark Napolitan, a walk - on who'll start at center for Michigan State this season.
Also sounds like you could really add to the crowd noise if you've got a whole section of dogs barking for an Osuna strike out to end the game.
She barks at the even slightest sound.
A little white noise helps drown out the sounds of your house day and night (ahem, snoring, the nosey postman who's knocking on the door, your neighbor's dog who will not stop barking, your older child protesting nap time, whatever).
The sound of a dog barking is worse than that of police sirens to people committing crimes.
For example, if the sound of a dog barking induces a panic attack, the therapist would work with someone to discover what triggers this reaction.
If your child has a very hoarse, deep cough that sounds like a barking seal, it's probably croup.
The sounds and noises babies make are naturally scary to dogs OR cause them to become agitated, resulting in barking and other anxious behaviors
Use a crib soother or sound machine to provide some comforting background noise; this has the additional benefit of drowning out the cacaphony of older siblings, televisions, and barking dogs that rule some houses.
Keep away from the noise by a sound machine or turn on the radio with music because you may be able to get rid of natural noise from dog barking, traffic, or people talking around your house, etc..
Essentially, it's a consistent sound that masks other sounds in your environment (e.g., a dog barking or a 3 am party next door).
The idea behind white noise is that it masks sudden sounds (doorbell, dog barking, older brother screaming), making it easier for babies — and, well, everyone — to fall and stay asleep.
And nighttime can also contain sounds, such as car horns, dogs barking or a television playing in another room.
However, sharp sounds like dishes clinking, a doorbell or phone ringing, dogs barking, or older siblings shouting can be intrusive sounds that wake your sleeping newborn.
Right now, I'm working to the sound of Mocha's very high - pitched puppy bark on a loop because she's mad that we put a gate up in the laundry room!
For example, point out the noise a kitchen clock makes and ask your child if it is a steady beat; then ask if a sound like a car horn or a dog barking has a steady beat.
It helps to block out the sounds from dogs barking, doorbells, older children, and whatever else is going on in the house while they are trying to sleep.
John Bercow sounds like he has lost his temper every time he barks «order!»
It started with dogs barking and people chatting as they traipsed through the forest slashing at foliage, and continued with the sounds of machete strikes and a falling tree, complete with the rustle and shake of leaves and the great crash of it hitting the ground.
That may be why Camila couldn't deal with everyday sounds; they just came at her in a wave that would ordinarily have been picked apart and filed: a barking dog here, a car engine there.
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