Sentences with phrase «barrier to entry more»

With the cost of mining equipment being a barrier to entry more and more individuals are turning to buying them on exchanges.
With such a low barrier to entry more competition will show itself.
Though indie publishing has basically been around as long as traditional publishing, the ease and accessibility of online publishing platforms today has lowered the barriers to entry more than ever before.

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Citing the benefits of more competition for consumers and competitive pressure for firms, they recommended that foreign ownership restrictions and barriers to entry by foreign firms be relaxed.
With virtually no barriers to entry or exit, cultivating migrations with solid adoption is more important than the «big win.»
What's more, the ubiquity of tech startups — and the decreased financial barrier to entry — has prompted Philadelphia and Detroit, among other cities, to begin offering venture capital in an effort to boost economic development, create jobs and attract young people, says Archna Sahay, Philadelphia's manager of entrepreneurial investment.
With computer science slated to become all the more important to our growth as a nation, some leaders in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are trying to break down the barriers to entry for these underrepresented groups.
I think we're on the cusp of a generation of government, political and social leadership that come from the «outside» as barriers of entry to these fields are lowered and we see more competitive elections, which will hopefully be more content - driven.
Robotics are also making it possible for more individuals to start businesses in industries where the need for a substantial labor force once posed a big barrier to entry.
As technology commoditizes the lower end of recruiting, more and more search firms are targeting C - suite engagements at global corporations — assignments for which the barriers to entry remain high and client sensitivity to fees relatively low.
The bigger issue, of course, is the barrier to entry for individual investors: Private equity firms typically have a minimum investment of $ 5 million or more, and at one point, the best firms were so popular, they were demanding as much as $ 250 million.
«If the barrier to entry is that everyone really likes having their insurer and their provider integrated together that it creates a much more attractive insurance class, then we should allow that activity to happen and we should regulate it,» he explained.
«As with most industries, the rapid introduction of technology is lowering barriers to entry, only making the space more competitive,» says Jenkins.
Many firms are selling the same or similar products, with no significant barriers to market - entry for more or newcomers, other competitors.
True, this has led to an explosion in new companies far beyond the levels seen previously, which is entirely expected — lower barriers to entry to any market means more total entries — but this has actually made it even more difficult for venture capitalists to invest in seed rounds: most aren't capable of writing massive numbers of seed checks; the amounts are just too small to justify the effort.
With low barriers to entry, ease of use and flexibility, it's no small wonder more people are turning their backs on the high healthcare costs in the U.S. for more accessible healthcare abroad.
Profits can outpace GDP for a period if companies build more monopoly power, but if IT reduces barriers to entry and increases competition, profit margins are more likely to shrink than widen.
«These are also assets that may satisfy the emotional needs and passions of investors who are no longer comfortable putting more money into financial assets at zero return, but who face barriers to entry in acquiring high - value luxury items like art, or a 1955 vintage Porsche speedster or a vineyard.»
If you have extensive knowledge of how to write codes and create apps, it is much more advisable to start your business from the scratch since the barriers to entry in the industry and startup costs are moderately low.
Due to the oligopolistic nature of the industry (caused, in part, by high barriers to entry), Canada's Big Six are more profitable than similarly sized banks in other countries.
Both men and women cited obtaining funding as the top challenge when opening a business, but two times more aspiring female entrepreneurs reported a lack of a support system as a secondary barrier to entry (the No. 4 challenge for women).
BITMIN is a company that offers investors a platform with a lower entry barrier to mining, which is becoming more important due to the fact that the competition in Bitcoin mining has increased, and will continue to do so.
While you stand to earn more interest on higher deposits, it may be a barrier to entry for someone with less funds to part with for a CD.
Every day, more services come out that make bitcoin easier to use, lowering the barrier to entry, and lifting the floodgate to mass adoption.
Some of the impediments to more vigorous competition are, first, high barriers to entry due to difficulties new or expanding players have in finding new sites.
There are several other well recognised criteria which are more indicative of the presence (or absence) of market power, particularly the existence of substantial entry barriers, and the relative freedom from constraints imposed on a firm by its competitors and customers, which should be considered in order to determine a firm's market power.
«The barriers to entry of laying down coaxial cable in an entire city, or laying down telephone lines in an entire city are enormous,» Weiner said, in 2013, as cities across the country are more interested in fiber - optic cable, which is far faster, than they are in coax.
, an in - depth conversation on the topic of New York's medical marijuana law «covering regulation, accessibility, barriers to entry into the local market, program costs and more
This simple measure would have more impact than any of the suggestions in last week» social mobility White Paper or the likely recommendations of Alan Milburn's review of barriers to working - class entry to the professions.
Although the olympic lifts are more technique - intensive, the sheer accessibility to barbells and the amount of helpful information that can be found on the internet really lowers the barrier to entry to barbell exercises.
These tips are even more important if you're using a free service, where the barrier to entry is low.
By doing this, M14 aims to break down one of the biggest barriers of entry into the dating space — the large setup cost required to build a great product — therefore making the space more accessible to people with good ideas, but financial constraints, by enabling them to focus on building a competitive brand without having to be weighed down by the costly demands of tech & infrastructure.
The game is enjoyable eventually but the barrier to entry actually feels more like a brick wall compared to previous entries in the series.
If you found Ninja Gaiden's difficulty to be a barrier to entry, this game's accessibility won't make it a more attractive option.
Second, and even more plausible perhaps, is that the emergence of the edXs of the world is systematically lowering the barriers of entry for other entrepreneurs, such as Gene Wade of UniversityNow, to create their own low - cost universities with low - cost degrees and add value by enhancing the educational process in other ways.
The topics included; How do firms grow Why do firms grow all types of costs economies and diseconomies of scale all types of efficiency Revenue and profit other motives for firms Strategies to gain market share barriers to entry barriers to exit Theory of the firm types of markets comparisons between markets collusions game theory price discrimination contestable markets government intervention deregulation And much more!
Online education doesn't have the same need for physical space and accessibility, which means the barrier to entry is much reduced and that — as any economy student knows — means there will be more competition on price and quality.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are arguing for different forms of a debt - free or tuition - free college, and Republicans are talking more about changing the ways in which we finance college and the structure of student loans, as well as accreditation as a potential barrier to entry in higher education.
More stringent up - front evaluation would bring teaching more in line with other professions, such as law or medicine, which establish higher barriers to enMore stringent up - front evaluation would bring teaching more in line with other professions, such as law or medicine, which establish higher barriers to enmore in line with other professions, such as law or medicine, which establish higher barriers to entry.
But in the same way as the Freelander Sport offers a more premium and «Sporty» option for the Freelander to attract new buyers, these new White & Black models put the Freelander under the magic # 20k barrier, offering a new entry - level option.
Since 2002, we have been working hard to tear down barriers of entry for publishing and help authors sell more books, and we've been succeeding.
More an more people are starting to write their own e-books, the barriers to entry are so low now that pretty much anyone can write a book and get people to readMore an more people are starting to write their own e-books, the barriers to entry are so low now that pretty much anyone can write a book and get people to readmore people are starting to write their own e-books, the barriers to entry are so low now that pretty much anyone can write a book and get people to read it.
The barriers to entry have disappeared, digital publishing is on the rise and more authors are turning to self - publishing.
But the solution is to become more competitive, not to advocate for artificial barriers to entry.
Add to that the low barrier of entry into the world of writing, and you have the wonderful situation where more people can chase their literary dreams of being an author than in many other «indie» scenes.
The three things that really stood out were the much larger screen area and having more words per page, that it was quite a decent reading experience, and that Kindle for PC is free (zero barrier to entry).
I quickly became aware that although self - publishing offers more revenue from each book sale, and has basically no barrier to entry into the market, it has several problems of its own.
The audiences for these kinds of titles are often more familiar with the ecosystems surrounding the purchase of music than they are with audiobooks, it doesn't require them to sign up for a new service, and the barriers to entry are a little lower.
Except that the most lasting and obvious result of the ban is that it will advance the market for established lenders because it makes the barrier to entry for new companies extremely high by removing the ability to buy advertising, and increasing reliance on Search Engine Optimization to attract new customers, which gives these more recognizable lenders an indisputable hand up.
While CMP's SOP business will be sensitive to broader trends in agricultural markets, its barriers to entry, high value provided to growers of specialty crops, and solid pricing power make the business much less volatile and more profitable than traditional potash fertilizer (which, unlike SOP, includes chloride).
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