Sentences with phrase «barriers to entry into»

After all, with unemployment high and the barriers to entry into the medical sales field tough to climb, what exactly is there to be positive -LSB-...]
After all, with unemployment high and the barriers to entry into the medical sales field tough to climb, what exactly is there to be positive about?
As such, there is a strong chance that the inflow of speculative buy activity that comes about as a result of barriers to entry into the market being removed will outweigh the impact of bitcoin futures allowing certain parties to take up short side positions on the asset's future.
If legal services were deregulated, and the law societies» denied their privilege of erecting barriers to entry into the market, this would not have happened.
The upside is that the barriers to entry into the blogosphere are pretty much zero.
Since anyone can start a restaurant, the barriers to entry into this business are low.
After all, the rise of alternative certification — which has lowered barriers to entry into teaching seemingly without sacrificing quality — is arguably one of reformers» biggest policy wins.
Shipping is an international business and there are minimal barriers to entry into most shipping markets.
, an in - depth conversation on the topic of New York's medical marijuana law «covering regulation, accessibility, barriers to entry into the local market, program costs and more.»
It's yet another way in which the web is making it easier to coordinate offline activity — translating the Internet's low barriers to entry into the physical world.
[112] The Commission also alleges that there are high barriers to entry into the pleaded independent wholesale grocery market, by reason of the following matters:
Increased internet speeds, smartphone uptake, cheap data costs, and digital innovation also lower the barriers to entry into unregulated economic transactions, where consumer products and services are traded on interest - based groups like WhatsApp and Facebook.
To get around barriers to entry into the traditional broadcasting system, Canadian producers are using online - only shows to interact with audiences and showcase digital talent.
Personalized and immersive brand experiences are not only the new norm, they're a barrier to your entry into the ranks of elite retailers.
Predatory pricing could, in turn, help Amazon buttress its other critical barrier to entry into the e-book marketplace: its use of a proprietary e-book format, rather than the industry - standard epub format.
I quickly became aware that although self - publishing offers more revenue from each book sale, and has basically no barrier to entry into the market, it has several problems of its own.
The barrier to entry into the indie games industry has never been lower, with resources like Unity tutorials and game - publishing website free for all to use.
But for many, the fees present yet another barrier to entry into an already restrictive profession.
Unpaid work experience is a barrier to the profession: 13.5 % of respondents described unpaid work experience as a significant barrier to entry into the profession.
«Jurisdiction is a big issue and an unquestioned barrier to entry into the jurisdiction of the English courts,» Lifely says.
The barrier to entry into the blawgosphere has increased dramatically.
But, as I look at the litany of jobs, I can't help but wonder about a major barrier to entry into the legal academy: the flexibility to move several times in a short period of time early in one's career.
Fortunately, the barrier to entry into the home of the future is extremely low.
Will Coinseed lower the barrier to entry into cryptocurrency trading for newcomers?

Not exact matches

«We like really strong barriers to entry, like unique intellectual property or complexity with the operation, so that it's not very likely that 10 other competitors are going to jump into the market and eat their lunch,» he says.
Plenty of people want to reverse climate control and help future generations, but when the barrier to entry is turning your entire home's exterior into an eyesore, the odds of mass adoption are low.
With regards to top 10 best jobs, Kiplinger took into consideration the following two qualifications: In addition to providing a good salary, the job will have a manageable barrier to entry.
«Barrier to Entry» When George Zidan, co-host of the show, asks Frank and Scott about their plans for the Steakager, George is surprised to learn that they only have one goal: Get into COSTCO.
The SEC's new rules attempt to strike a balance that both removes that barrier to entry for startups and prevents investors from sinking their money into unsavory investments.
The ability to find good people provides Sculley the means the break into industries with high barriers to entry and a need for technical knowledge.
Less than 20 years ago, provinces restricted trade among themselves so severely that one of the main reasons then - Premier Zhu Rongji pushed for China's entry into the World Trade Organization was to use WTO rules to break down intra-provincial trade barriers.
«These are also assets that may satisfy the emotional needs and passions of investors who are no longer comfortable putting more money into financial assets at zero return, but who face barriers to entry in acquiring high - value luxury items like art, or a 1955 vintage Porsche speedster or a vineyard.»
Having a wide range of price points allows for a low barrier of entry into the world of bottled water, but then allows consumers to upgrade incrementally over time.
By doing this, M14 aims to break down one of the biggest barriers of entry into the dating space — the large setup cost required to build a great product — therefore making the space more accessible to people with good ideas, but financial constraints, by enabling them to focus on building a competitive brand without having to be weighed down by the costly demands of tech & infrastructure.
The free space has a lower barrier to entry and so may have individuals who are not as ready to really jump into a serious commitment.
Panelist: I think the important thing to realize is that up until now there has been a big barrier to entry from new entrants into the dating industry.
My personal take on the subject is that mobile games provide an amazing opportunity for effective and engaging learning, free from space and time restrictions, and pose great potential for adult learners as they allow flexible integration into everyday life, thus reducing barriers to entry compared to traditional classroom settings.
Add to that the low barrier of entry into the world of writing, and you have the wonderful situation where more people can chase their literary dreams of being an author than in many other «indie» scenes.
If you are a solo - entrepreneur exploring selling digital products for the first time, Amazon provides low barriers to entry and you don't have to worry about integrating an e-commerce shopping cart into your blog.
Once its value started to rise, it's now a self - feeding frenzy with investors from around the world able to buy into it with few barriers to entry.
But it is a steady business, and one with barriers to entry — ACE and XL will try to get into the business, and Scor will try to improve its position, but RGA, Swiss Re and Munich Re will be tough to dislodge.
For instance, if you're looking to buy a property that you plan to live in first then turn into a rental or even buy a multi-unit where you live in one unit and rent out the other (s), there are other loan products available for you to use that may bring that barrier to entry down from 20 % to as low as 3.5 %.
Both versions include the lip extender and additionally you can order an optional fence that snaps with the lip to act as an effective barrier to kicked litter and also helps to the full entry of your cat into the globe.
Publishers EA, on the other hand, admitted that they wanted to set a lower fear - barrier for entry, inviting those with lillier livers into the game for the first time.
So do you suspect that free to play — just by nature of lowering that barrier of entry — do you suspect that that is going to be the easiest jumping off point diving into it if you're a casual gamer?
We hope players can see the amount of love and passion that has gone into this title, We want the barrier of entry to be as low as possible which is why we have a freePrologue, followed by individual $ 9.99 campaigns, as opposed to a $ 60 retail release.
If the D.C. Circuit decision holds, «competitive generators are likely to maintain a greater premium on generation during peak periods and higher barriers to entry from DSM into any market,» Kellison said.
In our submission, we applauded the initiative and the recommendations made by the law society, but we felt there were some additional steps that could be taken to enhance the recommendations and remove the barriers of entry into our profession.
The Government announced on 30 November that it will launch its own consultation in Spring 2016 into removing barriers to entry for alternative business models and making legal service regulators independent from their representative bodies to encourage competition, better enabling, for example business such as supermarkets and estate agents to offer legal services such as conveyancing, probate and litigation.
It can be a starting point for licensing negotiations, a barrier to entry for competitors or a ticket into court.
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