Sentences with phrase «barriers to entry now»

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I've always said now a good time for women or anyone to open a business: the barriers of entry to do business have never been easier to overcome.
«The US government has helped by lowering the barrier to entry, and now we will do our part.
One of the things that MM and I talk about frequently is that the barrier to entry is much lower now when it comes to filmmaking.
In the mature markets, the data entry barrier for credit cards seems to be coming down, with the success of great alternatives such as Stripe and PayPal, which are now available for dating operators.
Panelist: I think the important thing to realize is that up until now there has been a big barrier to entry from new entrants into the dating industry.
What once felt like a well - kept secret amongst players with enough time and energy to scale the barriers to entry is now easier for everyone else to enjoy, thanks to a top - to - bottom overhaul that has made Monster Hunter: World the most beautiful and exciting game in the series.
More an more people are starting to write their own e-books, the barriers to entry are so low now that pretty much anyone can write a book and get people to read it.
The very richness of the Marvel universe, however, is also the greatest barrier to entry for many people: So many characters, constantly changing not only over time but also across different titles — Spider - Man used to be Peter Parker in the Amazing Spider - Man comics (and he still is in the newspaper comic strip) but now the former villain Otto Octavius has taken him over in Superior Spider - Man, while Miles Morales wears the webs in Ultimate Comics: Spider - Man.
It has been that way since the very early days of vanity presses, only now the barriers to entry are lower.
Annette Thomas, Macmillan Science and Education, c.e.o., said: «Technology has meant the reduction of barriers to entry for new publishers and for individuals with the ability now to self - publish and to submit direct research with open access platforms.
Now, the barrier to entry is low.
Once its value started to rise, it's now a self - feeding frenzy with investors from around the world able to buy into it with few barriers to entry.
While I may have scared you a bit earlier by talking about the barrier of entry for most investors, I want to reassure you now that there are many different avenues for financing rental property.
We have paid the barrier to entry, and are the heavy hitter now.
Boasting zero barriers to entry, now anyone can be a hero on the battlefield,
Now, it should be noted that there's a pretty big barrier to entry between both games, which would afford Niantic to set such high goals.
This lowered barrier to entry proved to be a successful strategy and the utility now serves 96 % of the households in its franchise area.
At the same time, despite any hype that may accompany it or questionable practices on the part of sales and marketing people, technical innovators report that many barriers to entry have fallen, that software has advanced rapidly, as have database management improvements, As such, what was not possible even a few years ago now is and the pattern continues.
But as you know by now, the costs for the premiums are relatively low, as are the barriers to entry.
«There's no doubt that mining has become centralized to an extent, or at least that the barrier to entry is now significant,» Bauerle told IBT.
The investment rate reflects the strong market demand for a platform that reduces the barriers to entry for investing in cryptocurrencies, a niche that TaaS has now filled.
With the recent announcement that Robinhood, the popular zero - fee investment app, is adding cryptocurrency trading to their platform this month, we now look to other apps lowering the barrier to entry for crypto - investing.
It'll no doubt massively reduce the barrier of entry for hrdware manufacturers and hopefully we'll see many of the Google Home and Alexa products get patched to add HomeKit now that iOS will work with devices that don't have dedicated chips.
Supply shortages, according to at least one constituent, are now the No. 1 barrier of entry for homebuyers.
As it stands right now, the barrier to entry is way too low.
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