Sentences with phrase «barring dramatic change»

Of course, this is the nature of communities, and if you like the community as it is, you're likely going to like the course it takes as the years progress (barring any dramatic change in the charter).
In this author's opinion, increased liquidity appears unlikely barring dramatic change.
If I'm being honest, I don't think we'll hold onto the card past the first year — barring any dramatic changes from Amex.
In other words, emissions from the multi-trillion dollar industry are expected to grow into the foreseeable future, barring some dramatic changes.

Not exact matches

Barring a dramatic breakthrough in energy technology, as well as the political will to make substantive changes, things are liable to become far more problematic than Shell seems to realize.
Barring very dramatic changes, it will have a very low positive trend.
The implications of the dramatic changes now in train have yet to be fully explored but one of them, if the Bar pursues the policy propounded by its leaders, is to remove the justification for the two branches of the profession remaining separate.
We don't anticipate dramatic changes in rates in the near term, barring discontinuity in the Federal Reserve policy resulting from the change in leadership set to take place next year.»
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